Udayana University Holds Musrenbang for 2024 Fiscal Year

The Planning and Development Conference (Musrenbang) for the 2024 Fiscal Year of Udayana University (Unud) took place in a hybrid manner with the main location point taking place in the Nation Room of the Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (05/05/2023). The Musrenbang was attended by all leaders at the Central Office, Faculty, Postgraduate, and Senate levels of Udayana University.

Head of BPKU Drs I Komang Teken in his report said that this musrenbang activity is a routine activity that must be carried out every year, where this activity is carried out in preparation for the preparation of the 2024 work plan and budget (RKA). Through this musrenbang event, budget ceilings will be distributed to each work unit within Udayana University where the distribution of this budget ceiling refers to the Rector's Regulation number 1 of 2023.

After the university level musrenbang activities, it will be continued with faculty and postgraduate level musrenbang activities which are expected to be held from 8-12 May 2023 and at the head office level which is scheduled for 15-19 May 2023.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his direction said that in this musrenbang activity there were three things discussed, namely of course the musrenbang, the distribution of performance contracts to units within Udayana University which of course had to be followed up, and discussions related to institutional development fees (IPI).