Udayana University Collaborative Class Presents Prilly Latuconsina as Practitioner Lecturer

Denpasar, 4 May 2023 - Udayana University (Unud) presents actress Prilly Latuconsina as a practitioner lecturer through the 2023 Teaching Practitioner Program. She gives material in the Creative Business Planning Course in the Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Thursday (4/5), in collaboration with I Gede Nandya Oktora P., S.E., M.B.A., CRA., CRP. as a lecturer in the subject.

Teaching Practitioner itself is one of the flagship programs or the flagship program of the Merdeka Campus initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to accelerate students' mastery of knowledge related to various fields of knowledge and skills in the world of work. This program provides an opportunity for university lecturers throughout Indonesia to involve expert practitioners from various fields in the lecture process in class, to enrich learning by presenting case examples or the latest developments from the business and industrial world.

"We on behalf of the leadership of Unud would like to thank the Ministry of Education and Culture for giving trust to Unud to contribute to the implementation of Teaching Practitioners. Don't forget, thanks are also addressed to Prilly who has shared her knowledge and experience today. Hopefully this activity will provide positive benefits for all participants, "explained Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D. IPU as Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

Prilly's collaboration with Udayana University lecturers was her second involvement in the Teaching Practitioner Program, after taking part in a collaboration class at the Department of Communication Studies at Gadjah Mada University the previous year, specifically in the Celebrity Studies course.

“This Teaching Practitioner Program is fun for me. I not only teach but also learn, because in the lecture process there are many questions and student perspectives that open my eyes even wider,” said Prilly.

Prilly's presence as a practicing lecturer at Udayana University this time was greeted enthusiastically by the students participating in the Creative Business Business Planning Course, totaling around 40 people, and who are 4th semester students. In this class, Prilly shared her practical experience in the world of creative industries. Students were also quite active in discussing and gaining knowledge from the practitioners present.

"The activities carried out today were very exciting, we discussed more about business with Ms. Prilly, we hope that in the future Ms. Prilly can share more," said Ni Komang Deepa Shanti Dewi, one of the students who took part in this class.

Prilly, who is also known as a businesswoman, gave an explanation of creative business marketing strategies, including how to make a business proposal, as well as providing a case study from her business, La Joie Bakery and Café, which is located in South Jakarta. Prilly's experience is expected to motivate students and develop their interest in becoming an entrepreneur.

"Prilly's presence as a practicing lecturer is a matter of pride for the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Hopefully this good opportunity will be the start of the involvement of many practitioners who teach within Unud, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business," said I Gede Nandya Oktora P., S.E., M.B.A., CRA., CRP.

To support the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) policy and to present quality learning for students, Udayana University opens the widest possible opportunities for lecturers to collaborate with expert practitioners in various fields in organizing lecture activities.

The Teaching Practitioner Program, which was launched in 2022, facilitates collaboration between lecturers and expert practitioners in subjects delivered in classrooms. The in-depth exchange of knowledge and expertise between academics in tertiary institutions and professionals in the world of work is expected to be able to present meaningful learning for students, increase the relevance of the courses taught to the needs of the world of work, and prepare students to enter the world of work.

"Teaching Practitioners batch two in 2023 is attended by 245 tertiary institutions in Indonesia, with 7,935 collaborative classes involving 4,738 practitioners and more than 265,000 students. With a longer collaboration time than the previous year, it is hoped that the role of practitioners will be more tangible in providing increased competence to students," explained Nila Tristiarini, Matchmaking Manager for the Teaching Practitioner Program.