Permendikbud No. 78 Tahun 2013 Socialization by DIKTI

Bukit Jimbaran, For the purpose of understanding information about Permendikbud No. 78 Tahun 2013 regarding Provision of Professional Allowance and Honorable Allowance for Lecturers Which Occupy Academic Professor Position, University of Udayana held a dissemination seminar held Friday, May 29th, 2015 which took place in the hall of the third floor Nations Rector of Udayana University Campus Bukit Jimbaran. This event presented two speakers from the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI), Prof. Supriadi Rustad as the Director of Education and Education Personnel and Prof. Yanuarsyah Haroen. The event was attended by the Professors and Udayana University  Credit Score Assessment Team was opened by the Rector, who was accompanied by Vice Rector of Udayana Univeritas well as a moderator in this event.

In his speech, the Rector of the University of Udayana expect with this socialization the Professors can be and want to improve the volume and quality of scientific publications in national and international level in the form of research journal publications and published a number of books, so Univeritsas Udayana will be able to compete in a global world and can realize Univeritas Udayana become a world class university.

In the material that was delivered by Prof. Supriadi Rustad, emphasized on the dissemination of the plans of DIKTI in the development of lecturers to be a professional lecturer in his career as well as provide an overview Indonesia's position in the world in terms of the development of science in the form of contribution to the journal publications is still very far below neighboring countries where has produce the publication of journals much more, so the professor is expected to more active in writing to produce scientific publications. In the last material that was delivered by Prof. Yanuarsyah Haroen were also academician from the Institute of Technology Bandung explained about how and how as well as the website address that can be useful for both the international indexed scientific journal publications such as Scopus, Thomson Reuters and others as well as national indexed journals so that lecturers can choose a appropriate journal publications.

On the same day also held the socialization of credit scoring Librarian  Functional Staff who had first heldfrom May 28, 2015 which took place in the meeting room Nusa Floor III rectorate of Udayana University Campus of Bukit Jimbaran, which was attended by librarians from public and private universities that exist in eastern Indonesia. The events present speaker that came both from external and internal such as UI, IPB and Udayana University which is co-organized by Higher DIKTI. (swp)