Encouraging Entrepreneurial Students, Udayana University Promotes the Pertamina Partnership Program

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud) held a Socialization of the Pertamina Partnership Program for entrepreneurial students which took place online through the Cisco Webex Meeting, Tuesday (04/04/2023). This socialization presented a resource person from Pertamina, namely Dewi Sri Utami as SMEPP Manager who delivered material regarding Pertamina's PUMK.

This activity is carried out of course in order to encourage the growth of students who carry out entrepreneurial activities and a commitment to create and encourage the strengthening of entrepreneurial ecosystems at Udayana University through network expansion, one of which is with PT. Pertamina (Perseo) through entrepreneurship programs at PT. Pertamina (Persero).

Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK) Unud Dr. Ni Putu Ariantari said that the socialization was attended by participants, the majority of whom were students who had previously participated in the entrepreneurship program in 2022 and who were currently taking part in the stages or selection of entrepreneurship programs funded either by the Ministry or from Udayana University. It is our great hope that with these programs in the field of entrepreneurship, it will further motivate students to realize their business ideas since they were in college.

"If in the future there are programs from Pertamina that can be paired with entrepreneurship assistance programs being run at Udayana University, that will be even better," said the Head of UPK.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana said that Udayana University continues to improve its network with various parties, both BUMN, UMKM, Regional Government, and various other institutions, which aim to help students who already have businesses to continue to exist and carry out their business activities. Udayana University also encourages students to become entrepreneurs and create jobs, so that they can increase people's income and economic growth through certain economic sectors.