Ministry of Education and Culture Holds 2023 Technical PPPK Competency Selection for the Bali Region

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) held the 2023 Bali Regional Government Employee Competency Selection with a Technical Work Agreement (PPPK) which was held for two days, namely Saturday and Sunday, March 25-26 2023. The selection was held at the State Civil Service (BKN) Regional Office X Denpasar as the location point for the Bali Region.

Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University (Unud), Ni Made Pertami Susilawati S.E., M.M. representing the Head of the Ganesha University Bureau as the Area Coordinator of the PPPK Selection Area for the Bali region on this occasion giving directions related to the implementation of the selection. There were a total of 274 participants who took part in this year's Technical PPPK selection which were divided into several sessions.

This Competency Selection must be followed by applicants who are declared to meet the administrative selection requirements. The Competency Selection materials for the need for technical personnel include Technical Competence, Managerial Competence, Socio-Cultural Competence, and Interview (assessment of integrity and morality).

There is an additional selection for technical personnel for functional lecturer positions after Competency Selection including Interviews and Teaching Practice (Microteaching). There are four tertiary institutions in Bali as implementers of the Ministry of Education and Culture Technical PPPK Competency Selection in the Bali Region including Ganesha University of Education, Udayana University, Bali State Polytechnic, and ISI Denpasar. The implementation of the Kemendikbudristek Technical PPPK Competency Selection for the Bali region has gone safely, orderly and smoothly.