The Alliance of Bali-wide Student Executive Boards of Dewata Dwipa Holds Bali Cares for the Environment (BALING) 2023

Badung – Sunday (12/03/2023) The Bali-wide Alliance of Student Executive Bodies (BEM) Dewata Dwipa has carried out one of its work programs in the environmental field, namely Bali Cares for the Environment (BALING) 2023 at Berawa Beach, North Kuta, Badung. The environmental care action was attended by more than 50 students from various tertiary institutions in Bali in the form of beach cleaning activities (beach clean up), which at the same time aims to increase the existence of the BEM alliance throughout Bali Dewata Dwipa, and to develop a sense of care among others. among students with the environment, as well as maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems and reducing the negative impact of plastic waste on marine biodiversity.

The chairman of the 2023 Bali Cares for the Environment (BALING) organizing committee, I Made Arya Bayu Suta said that this activity was a work program created and run by the Coordinator of Social and Environmental Issues of the Bali BEM Alliance Dewata Dwipa, which this year carries the theme "Real Action Realizing Clean Beaches and Healthy Seas". Arya Bayu then emphasized the meaning of the theme, namely "students are the younger generation; intellectuals are able to show a caring attitude towards the condition of the surrounding environment, participate in maintaining the coastal environment, and are able to directly clean up the environment around the beach sincerely". (19/03/2023).

Prior to the implementation of the BALING 2023 activity on March 12, 2023, at. 08.00 WITA, the Bali BEM Alliance of Dewata Dwipa has conducted a site inspection which found that Berawa Beach is in quite poor condition in terms of cleanliness, such as the large amount of plastic waste scattered all over the coast. This is probably due to the Berawa Beach destination which is also a strategic tourist area that has always been a dream for tourists, both local and foreign tourists, so that this beach is always crowded with visitors. It is also said to be strategic because the location of Berawa Beach is close to entertainment venues and is directly connected to several lodging places. Departing from the plastic waste problem, of course the next concern is the resulting snowball effect, namely the damage to the marine ecosystem and the worst case is tarnishing the good name of the Island of the Gods which has been known as the prima donna of the world's best tourist destinations. That's why the BEM Bali Dewata Dwipa alliance decided to carry out BALING 2023 on Berawa Beach as a small preventive measure against damage to the marine ecosystem and of course to maintain the prestige of Bali which is the center of national tourism.

I Putu Bagus Padmanegara as Head of BEM Udayana University who is also the Coordinator of the Bali BEM Alliance Center Dewata Dwipa, invited all students in Bali and not denying that Indonesia too, to always keep the environment clean considering that being a student is not only required to raise your left hand , but also must raise his right hand to serve the community and the country. "So, let's increase positive activities like this, don't let us move just because we want to improve our self-image so that we only look sincere in front of the camera," Padma concluded.

The BEM Bali Dewata Dwipa Alliance in this BALING activity is not only committed to continuing to be able to bring benefits to the people of Bali and Indonesia, especially in the environmental field, but also wants to make fellow students out there aware of the importance of implementing the nickname agent of change for students. and the realization of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (education and teaching, research and development, and community service), especially at the point of community service.