SPI Case Intersection, Udayana University Open Voice

The Udayana University Law Team represented by Dr. I Nyoman Sukandia, S.H., M.Hum., and Head of BEM Udayana University, I Putu Bagus Padmanegara, attended a live interview initiated by Metro TV in the program Good Morning Indonesia, Friday, 17 March 2023 at 10.00 - 10.30 a.m. On this occasion, Nyoman Sukandia answered questions related to the alleged corruption case against the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. INGA, and three other officials at Udayana University.

Answering questions about the process of returning institutional development donations (SPI) that experienced system errors, his party stated that students who objected to the overpayment made by submitting a refund request could do this. "This can only be done if there is a request from those who object, so that it can be followed up to the Ministry of Finance. If there is no application, there will be no automatic (return). But this process will definitely be long, “said Sukandia.

On the other hand, the Head of the BEM of Udayana University, Bagus Padma, when asked about the conditions of development since 2018 until now, said he appreciated the considerable development in the era of Rector Prof. Antara. "Budget transparency was finally accepted by the media and also students, yesterday (during the demonstration), and we saw that there was indeed a lot of development," said Padma. However, according to him, the construction still seems forced, which is evident from the inadequate quality and facilities of the lecture buildings.

At the end of the interview, Sukandia reiterated that in the SPI management mechanism, Udayana University has been escorted by 5 auditors, namely BPKP, BPK, Inspectorate, Internal Oversight Unit, and Public Accountant. "From this escort, we feel that we are quite transparent because SPI payments all go to the state's account. So even to get it out is not easy, it needs an application. When we want to use it, we have to submit a proposal.” Shukandia closed.

The full broadcast can be watched at the following link: https://www.metrotvnews.com/play/bD2CZYRl-mahasiswa-universitas-udayana-tuntut-transparency-dana-spi