Signing of Letter of Intent (LoI) Strengthens Cooperation between Udayana University and School of Tourism and Economics Nanchang Normal University

(Nanchang, 02/03/2023) The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Udayana University (Unud) and Nanchang Normal University (NCNU) was implemented by signing a Letter of Intent (LoI) between the Faculty of Tourism Unud and the NCNU School of Tourism and Business. Apart from the Dean, the Vice Dean and Assistant Director of TCI who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism, the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Spokesperson and Coordinator of the Office of International Affairs (KUI) were also present. Meanwhile, the NCNU leaders who attended were the Vice President, Dean of the International Exchange and Cooperation Center, as well as other leaders.

The two universities have agreed to work together in various fields including student and faculty exchange programs, as well as collaborative research. The signing of this LoI will certainly strengthen the good relations between Indonesia and China.

Prof. Song Nai-Kang, Dean of the NCNU International Exchange and Cooperation Center expressed his desire to carry out more collaboration in various aspects, namely further strengthening student exchanges in research summer camps, encouraging students to continue their studies in postgraduate programs at Udayana University, conducting teaching staff exchanges , joint research, improving human resources, tourism resources, cultural exchanges, etc.

Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST. Par. M.Par welcomes the hopes of the NCNU School of Tourism and Economics and is grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality as well as the trust and support to build cooperation with Unud through the Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI). Dean Suardana also introduced the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University to the leadership of NCNU as a promotional event and expressed his hope that after the pandemic the arrival of Chinese tourists could recover as before considering the Chinese tourist market is very large and dominates the number of foreign tourists coming to Bali.

"The Faculty of Tourism really appreciates the welcome and hospitality of Nanchang Normal University and we look forward to continued collaboration. Through the signing of the LoI between the Faculty of Tourism and NCNU, the various collaborations that have been prepared are expected to have a significant impact on improving Key Performance Indicators (IKU) both at the faculty level and at the university level," said the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University.