Open Career Opportunities, Udayana University Holds Udayana Career Days 2023

Udayana University (Unud) through the Career and Alumni Development Unit (UPKA) held Udayana Career Days (UCD) 2023 at the Nusantara Hall, Agrocomplex Building, Unud Sudirman Campus, Wednesday (01/03/2023). This activity was held for two days (1 and 2 March 2023), where participants could visit UCD by first registering via the link:

Head of UPKA Unud Dr. Kadek Dwita Apriani, S.Sos., M.I.P said that UCD in 2023 would be held twice, namely in March and September 2023. Previously, UCD was only held once a year. Given the evaluation of UCD activities in 2023 that the interest of the participants was very high, so that UCD will be held more than once per year.

The first Udayana Career Days in 2023 will be attended by 13 companies consisting of various industries engaged in education, finance, pharmaceuticals, and also aviation. Until the first day of implementation, the number of participants who registered at UCD 2023 totaled 606 people.

The implementation of UCD has big goals, one of which is to reduce the number of unemployed which of course benefits the Balinese people in general because this activity is not only open to alumni and final semester students of Udayana University, but is also open to the public. "It is our great hope that company partners can get the best talents from these Udayana Career Days activities," said the Chair of UPKA.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in opening this UDC said that UCD aims to introduce industry or company partners to graduates of Udayana University and also the general public. In this case, UPKA bridges Udayana University graduates to get a job as soon as possible, one of the ways is through UCD activities.

In addition to UCD activities, UPKA also organizes Campus Hiring and conducts Tracer Studies which of course aim to shorten the working growth period of Udayana University graduates. "We as educational institutions do not only graduate, but educate, graduate, and also facilitate the search for and get a job," said the Vice Rector.