Visit the School of Tourism, Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Forms Double Degree to Nanchang University

In order to increase international collaboration in the field of tourism, Monday (27/2/2023), the Delegation of Udayana University visited the School of Tourism Nanchang University and was received by the Head of School of Tourism, Secretary of the Party, Deputy Head, and the leadership of the School of Tourism Nanchang University.

Present on this occasion were the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Coordinator of the Office of International Affairs, Deputy Dean of General Affairs and Finance of the Faculty of Tourism, and other members of the delegation. Also present were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes who also attended the presentation and discussion session and witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Udayana University and Nanchang University.

In the warm and friendly meeting, plans for future cooperation between Udayana University and Nanchang University were discussed in depth. The Joint-Collaboration on Tourism International Conference agenda, student and lecturer exchanges, research collaborations are some of the plans discussed at the meeting.

Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST. Par., M.Par in his remarks expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the trust that has been given by the School of Tourism Nanchang University while collaborating with the Faculty of Tourism in the academic, cultural and tourism fields. Bali as a tourist island has many similarities with China and various acculturation of Chinese culture can be found in Bali. For example, the use of coins in carrying out religious ceremonies in Bali. Before the pandemic, tourists from China dominated Bali and now the number of arrivals in Bali is starting to increase again. From an academic point of view, the School of Tourism and the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University have worked together for a long time and collaborated in improving the quality of their teaching staff. The Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University has a short course program and currently there are 75 international students from various countries studying at the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University and the Faculty of Tourism are ready to accept students from China again.

Dean Suardana also said that on this occasion we would also increase cooperation through a 2+2 International Joint and Dual Degree Program Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for undergraduate programs, where the program would be very beneficial for the Faculty of Tourism Unud and the School of Tourism Nanchang University. On the same occasion, the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance of the Faculty of Tourism also explained regarding the existence and development of the Faculty of Tourism and the study and collaboration programs owned by the Faculty of Tourism Udayana University.

The Head of School of Tourism welcomed the arrival of the Udayana University delegation. In 2023, School of Tourism Nanchang University will celebrate 30 years of its establishment and fifth year of cooperation with Udayana University. During the five years of collaboration with Udayana University, there were many School of Tourism students who took part in the short course program at Udayana University and vice versa. In addition, student and lecturer exchanges were also carried out, as well as joint research.

Bali as an island of paradise, is very rich in tourism resources, very good hotels and a very good MICE and hospitality industry. This, together with its customs and culture, has attracted the attention of tourists from various countries to have a vacation in Bali. It is a good opportunity to work together with the Faculty of Tourism at Udayana University, not only because of the Island of Bali itself, but also because the Faculty of Tourism has superior teaching staff and quality teaching materials. Today the 2+2 International Joint and Dual Degree Program for undergraduate programs will be signed and this is a good opportunity for the development of both parties in the future.