Increasing Synergy, Udayana University Holds Coordination Meeting on Cooperation and Public Relations

Udayana University (Unud) held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) in the field of Cooperation and Public Relations, at the Golden Tulip Jineng Resort, Kuta Badung, Tuesday (21/2/23). Apart from being attended by internal Unud officials, the coordination meeting under the coordination of the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information also presented speakers from Surabaya State University namely Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. and Head of Public Relations and Archives of Universitas Brawijaya Kotok Gurito, S.E.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., explained that the coordination was aimed at increasing synergy between all units within Unud in order to provide quality services to stakeholders. "The target of this collaboration is certainly expected to be able to support Unud transforming into a Public University Public Relations Agency (PTNBH). The method is by increasing Unud's main performance indicators. He also said that the Rector of Unud had given direction so that the cooperation built by Unud was in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ) can be minimized, but the most important thing is how the action is taken. "It doesn't need a lot of MoUs, the most important thing is that there are lots of branches and branches," he added.

According to Prof. Adiatmika, a collaboration that has been built has two targets, namely academically and practically. Academically, cooperation is expected to boost the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Whereas from a practical standpoint, cooperation is able to generate income for Unud to support operations. For example, by empowering immovable assets owned by the largest state campus in Bali. Because, after PTNBH, Unud was given the freedom to manage assets. Regarding foreign cooperation in 2022, Unud has collaborated with 180 agencies, both universities and organizations. The implementation that has been carried out includes the exchange of lecturers and students, research and community service.

To send students abroad, Unud experienced financial constraints, so it took advantage of scholarship opportunities from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology through the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) and the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Unud has sent a number of its students to study directly to various parts of the country. For students who do not go but take part in an exchange program, they can study online, but their credit is still recognized. The Rector opens wide opportunities for every faculty at Unud to target real cooperation abroad, where this support is proven through budget items.

Of course, it is hoped that more and more foreign students and from outside the area will study at Unud, as well as support from ministries, local governments, and other stakeholders. Meanwhile, regarding publications about Unud's programs and achievements, from the level of study programs, faculties, rectors and all units, Unud has collaborated with the mainstream media in Bali. In fact, through the Rector's spokesperson team, Unud also shared various activities on social media platforms. "With the presence of speakers from Brawijaya University and Surabaya State University, of course we hope to be able to provide positive input for Udayana University in the future," emphasized Prof. Adiatmika.