Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Collaborates with INCAAM, InAAM, and Persandi Holds NASWAAM 2023 "The Success of ANTI-AGING MEDICINE"

Denpasar - The Center for Anti-Aging Medicine Study, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud), in collaboration with the Indonesian Center for Anti-Aging Medicine (INCAAM), the Indonesia Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (InAAM) and the Andrology Specialist Association (Persandi) held a National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine (NASWAAM) 2023 "The Success of ANTI-AGING MEDICINE" taking place at the Ballroom of Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali, 10-12 February 2023. This activity was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University and attended by participants from all over Indonesia and Malaysia. This year's NASWAAM also presents a guest speaker from Russia, namely dr. Elena Uvarova with the topic A new approach to correct signs of aging through muscle tissue rejuvenation.

Chairman of the Committee Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And-KSAAM in his report said that the NASWAAM event always receives considerable attention from colleagues who wish to obtain information and knowledge in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine, of course they will receive a lot of information during the three days of this event and of course also in the Workshop on the last day. He hopes that during the three days of this event, participants will receive more updated information related to the field of Anti-Aging Medicine. We all know that our nation Indonesia really needs the basic concept of Anti-Aging if we want the quality of life of this nation to get better. With a better quality of life, we will be able to work better in the development of our society.

Chairman of IDI Bali Dr. I Gede Putra Suteja on this occasion expressed his appreciation to Prof. Wimpie with Anti-Aging Medicine organized this NASWAAM activity. He hopes that the participants who have taken part in this activity can utilize the knowledge they have acquired both for personal, family and community purposes for the welfare and health of our society.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unud Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, in his speech said that interest in anti-aging medicine was increasing, seeing from the number of participants who took part in this activity. The concept of anti-aging medicine is actually how to maintain quality of life, not only physical but also internal quality. It is our duty and our colleagues to educate the public that anti-aging is not only about looking prettier and younger, but how as a whole the function of our internal organs is in an optimal state. Hopefully after participating in this activity the participants' understanding will increase and these latest anti-aging concepts can be implemented to provide more optimal services to the community.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU conveyed that the existence of Unud, which is currently in the form of BLU and will transform into PTNBH, of course the target is not just a legal entity university with more flexible governance but also an element of internationalization. Speaking of internationalization, of course, this anti-aging medicine study program has started a long time ago. It is evident from the implementation of the 12th NASWAAM that it has penetrated not only those who are in this profession at home but also abroad, such as Malaysia and other parts of the world, up to Russia. This time, NASWAAM is being held again in a post-pandemic atmosphere so that we can meet face to face and we can have direct discussions and sharing with each other from participants who come from various regions and countries. The Rector appreciates all parties who have contributed to the implementation of this activity and hopefully in the future it can be further improved and what is the target can be achieved.