Udayana University Given Trust by Al-Azhar University Mataram Organizes PEKERTI Training

Udayana University (Unud) through the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) held a training on "Increasing Basic Instructional Technique Skills (PEKERTI) for Lecturers at Al-Azhar University Mataram (UNIZAR) which took place online, 24 January to 3 February 2023.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee Prof. G.P. Ganda Putra conveyed that this training was a form of implementing Unud's collaboration with UNIZAR, especially in the context of increasing lecturer competence in the learning process which is expected to be useful in planning, implementing and evaluating the learning process. Unud has been given the authority to organize PEKERTI and also AA training in accordance with the Director of Resources for Higher Education's letter dated 11 July 2021, so that the certificate given by Unud can be used legally as a mandatory requirement for Serdos. In accordance with applicable regulations, PEKERTI training is carried out at least 56 hours of activities with a minimum output of 6 products. The training participants were registered UNIZAR Lecturers totaling 37 people who were divided into 6 groups.

Rector of UNIZAR Dr. Ir. Muh Ansyar, MP in his speech said that PEKERTI is a provision for lecturers in carrying out activities on campus, namely education and teaching. The implementation of this PEKERTI training is a form of implementation of the collaboration between the two universities, where the collaboration with LP3M Unud has been going on for quite a long time and has also held the same training several times, which was also very impressive when it became a Udayana University Foster PTN. Where at that time only one study program was accredited B and now almost all study programs are accredited B. With guidance and assistance from LP3M Unud, his party was able to increase the accreditation rating, and hoped that this collaboration would go well as well as this PEKERTI training.

While the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja who opened this training in his remarks said that in facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0, education is the main capital, so lecturers have a direct influence on improving the quality of learning from students. For this reason, lecturers must have basic skills, the ability to design learning processes, evaluate learning and the ability to carry out learning effectively. All of these abilities can be improved through training as it is today. PEKERTI is a training program that can be utilized in order to improve the professional competence of lecturers aimed at novice lecturers so that they master basic concepts in learning and have adequate teaching skills.

Through this training it is hoped that it can be used as a criterion for fulfilling the requirements of educator certification or lecturer certification. The Vice Rector thanked to LP3M for preparing and carrying out this training and also for UNIZAR for entrusting Unud to organize this activity. It is hoped that this HR competency improvement training will lead tertiary institutions to a better direction.

The material provided in this training includes the National Higher Education Standards (SN-Dikti), the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the Higher Education Quality Assurance System and SPMI, Quality Standards and Higher Education Standards Policies, Adult Learning, Fundamentals of Communication and Basic Teaching Skills, Learning in the Republic of Indonesia 4.0 era (e-learning), Curriculum Development, Course Formation, Curriculum Structure, CPMK, Learning Methods and Forms, Learning Assessment, Team Teaching, Practicum Guidelines, Development of Soft-skills in the Learning Process, Learning Plans Semester and Presentation.