KPRM PM Udayana University Appoints Chair and Vice Chairperson of BEM Udayana University in 2023

The General Student Election (Pemira) held by the Udayana University Student Government Student Election Commission (KPRM PM Unud) in 2022 determined the candidate pair number 1, I Putu Bagus Padmanegara and Raihan Faishal Muzhaffar to be the Elected Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, Udayana University Student Executive Board 2023, in the Nation Room, 3rd floor of the Rectorate building, Jimbaran, South Kuta district, Badung Regency, Saturday (21/12/2022).

The voting results of the 3 pairs of candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairperson of BEM Unud in 2023 each received votes, pair number 1, I Putu Bagus Padmanegara and Raihan Faishal Muzhaffar 3,141 votes, pair number 2, I Wayan Yudha Jayananta and B Gede Edy Triana Adi Jaya 1,416 votes, while pair number 3, I Gede Adi Winaba and Alfian Marko 2,330 votes out of a total of 6887 votes or only around 26.4% of active voters, which was held from 19 to 21 December 2022.

The appointment of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of BEM Unud for 2023 by KPRM PM Unud was attended by Vice Chairperson of DPM Unud, representatives of the Chairperson of BEM Unud, Chairperson of DKPP Unud and 2 members, Chairperson of KPRM Unud and 14 members, Chair of Bawasra and 2 members, Pairs of Prospective Candidates BEM Unud, all prospective members of the Legislature participating in Pemira Unud, and the success team for each candidate pair for Pemira Unud.

I Putu Bagus Padmanegara, Chairperson of the BEM elected at Udayana University in 2023 conveyed an implicit message when he found out that he had won the most votes, saying that, "As a student, of course participating in Pemira is not only about seeking victory, but how to implement healthy and intelligent contestation. for Udayana's interests. There are no numbers 1, 2 and 3 anymore. Starting today, we are back to One Udayana. A new struggle has begun, there are no political opponents, we are open to all who wish to dedicate themselves to Udayana. Make this post-memory a momentum we play a role, move together to fix the homework of our beloved institution, provide maximum service and development to students, both in lecture facilities, talent development, and so on. Please remind us, if we stray from the vision and mission that was presented. Let's move , we metamorphosed together, creating the rise of Udayana and Indo nation," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairperson of BEM Unud elected in 2023, Raihan Faishal Muzhaffar also said, "Of a total of nearly 7,000 active voting voters, of course we express our appreciation and gratitude for their participation in this democratic party. Because this process of transitioning the leadership relay is a process that crucial and certainly eagerly awaited by all parties, but even though we were elected, it does feel a little less relieved, because considering that only about 26 percent are active in enlivening the democratic party, and of course we also look forward to the contribution and support of Udayana friends to always provide ideas and innovation best for the good of this people's revelation campus," said Raihan.

At the same time, Chairman of KPRM PM Udayana University 2022 Shalahuddin Ali Basyah said that, "after going through the long journey of PEMIRA 2022 finally the big ship BEM Udayana has found a new captain. It is my great hope, that the aspirations to reform the system in this organization will be able to run optimal and according to what is expected. After hearing the various ideas offered during the whole series of public examinations some time ago, it made me impatient to see the new face of BEM Udayana, of course it was all aimed at the welfare of students and glory for Udayana. And I hope there will be lots of improvements participants in this year's PEMIRA can represent all forms and manifestations of students' love and concern for this campus, hopefully it can continue to increase every year. Long live and thrive as fighters for democracy!," said Ali.