Udayana University Promotes "Teaching Campus Program 5th Batch of 2022"

Udayana University (Unud) held a Socialization of Independent Learning of the Independent Campus (MBKM), especially the Class 5 2022 Teaching Campus Program, at the BH Building Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (4/11/2022). The socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, and was also attended by the Vice Deans and Coordinators of Study Programs, Secretary of MBKM and students.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech asked the students and Coordinators of Study Programs who attended the socialization to help inform other students regarding this teaching campus program so that more people would participate. This is one of the MBKM programs with the aim of students being able to apply their knowledge to elementary and junior high school students in helping teachers broaden students' horizons. This can also add to the soft skills of students themselves, increase experience with different living cultures and the opportunity to learn other things which is also the goal of MBKM, which is not only inline learning with Study Programs, but can be multi-disciplinary. The target is to add insight, so that the mind is open to a new environment. Through this program, it is also hoped that students can inspire students to go to school to college and also increase student literacy.

Many students have participated in this teaching campus program, for this reason, participants in the socialization should seek as much information as possible from resource persons. Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector also expressed his appreciation to the resource persons, the Vice Deans and the Coordinator of Study Programs who have supported this program and so that 20 credits can be converted and do not let anyone have the right not to get a conversion.

The resource person in this socialization, MBKM Unud Coordinator, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si and as moderator Komang Rahayu Indrawati, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist. Resource person Dr. I Ketut Sardiana in his material conveyed the benefits of the program for students, schools, universities and lecturers; learning achievements, recognition of semester credit units, details of activity time, timeline, participant requirements, required documents, student selection mechanism, school mapping mechanism, student roles and tasks, roles and duties of assistant lecturers, flow and sanctions. KM-5 requirements can be accessed via https://bit.ly/PercepatanKM5