BEM of the Faculty of Tourism Udayana University in Collaboration with Indonesia Tourism Watch Holds Tourism Symposium and Tourism Festival

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with Indonesia Tourism Watch (ITW) held a Tourism Symposium and Tourism Festival with the theme "Rethinking for Global Tourism Recovery: Think Globally Act Locally" which took place in a hybrid manner at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (2/11/2022). The symposium was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana represents the Rector of Unud.

ITW CEO Ichwan Abdillah on this occasion said that after the pandemic, the tourism sector was the sector most affected. Many workers in the tourism sector have lost their jobs, so let's act together to restore the glory of Indonesian tourism, which is one of the best tourism sectors and ecosystems in the world. It is hoped that through this activity we will support the revival of tourism in Indonesia starting from Bali. By collaborating with the BEM of the Faculty of Tourism, his party held this activity to trigger the revival of tourism. The G20 activities held in Bali are also expected to be a momentum for the revival of tourism in Bali.

Pangdam IX Udayana represented by Expert Staff who were also present at this symposium expressed appreciation to the organizers of the activity and hoped that the activity would run smoothly and achieve the goals expected by both parties. Bali has experienced a long journey of tourism with various security disturbances, natural disasters and the covid pandemic. This affects the Balinese economy, which is largely dependent on the tourism sector. The holding of this symposium is considered very positive for tourism in Indonesia because it collaborates with students from the Faculty of Tourism and stakeholders in the tourism sector to jointly think about efforts to restore the tourism industry in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his appreciation to the Faculty of Tourism and ITA which has held this event. He hopes that many students do activities like this to broaden their horizons and develop knowledge. Talking about tourism, Bali is one of the best tourist destinations in the world and feels very down during the pandemic. In 2022, Bali is starting to rise and he hopes that the tourism sector can revive with the G20 in Bali, as well as other sectors. The activity that was held was extraordinary where there were two activities, namely the tourism symposium and the tourism festival, he hoped to add one more activity, namely the Tourism Competition. The hope is that similar activities will be held on a national level competition scale that can be recognized in Simkatmawa and IKU.

In this activity, two general studios were held with the speakers of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia Sandiaga S. Uno and the Chairman of the MPR RI H. Bambang Soesatyo which took place online. Besides that, it also presented speakers from the Indonesian House of Representatives, ASITA, Kemenpora, the Bali Provincial Tourism Office and the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Unud.