Commemorating the 30th Family Family Body, Postgraduate of Udayana University Launches Master of Health Law Study Program

Postgraduate of Udayana University (Unud) celebrated the 30th Badan Kekeluargaan (BK) at the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (28/10/2022). The BK commemoration was also coupled with the Launching of the Master of Health Law Study Program and the National Seminar "Urgency of Law Based on a Holistic Approach in Indonesian Health Law as an Effort to Realize Public Health Services with Justice and Legal Certainty".

The 30th BK celebration was marked by the blowing of candles and the cutting of the cone by the Unud Postgraduate Director, while the Launching of the Health Law Masters Study Program was marked by the beating of the Gong by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud. Meanwhile, for the National seminar, two speakers, namely Prof. I Ketut Mertha (Faculty of Law Unud) and Prof. RA Tuty Kuswardhani (Faculty of Medicine Unud).

Director of Postgraduate Unud Prof. Linawati said that currently her party has updated the academic guidelines for both master's and doctoral programs at the university level and will then be translated into a multidisciplinary pedomic. Related to the KPI, there are different challenges for multi-disciplines, including regarding human resources, cooperation and funding from third parties. Our target is to produce new study programs that are really needed and needed by the community. One of the challenges is to attract human resources from the faculty and also the lecturer's homebase. We will also look at the problems faced by lecturers who are home-based in the Post.

Currently, there are four Study Programs being held, two of which are low-interest programs and this is a challenge to increase their interest. One of the targets that have been achieved is the Launching of the Master of Health Law Study Program where the decree was issued in September 2022, and currently there are around 30 who have registered in the new study program. The Director appreciates all parties who have supported and are willing to become teaching staff. Another challenge facing Postgraduates is that many students ask for online courses and online admissions systems. For this reason, it is hoped that there will be a legal aspect, namely the policy that underlies it. This year there is also an increase in the quota for Study Programs with many enthusiasts such as PPI. He admitted that there are still many tasks to be done and new study programs proposals have been submitted to the SIAGA application.

While the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja conveyed a tough challenge for the Postgraduate Program, one of which was PPI to compete with other universities. The Vice Rector expressed his appreciation to all parties who have supported the proposal for the Master of Health Law Study Program. There are many bright ideas from the Postgraduate Director that need to be facilitated, but they must also pay attention to the existing rules. The opening of the Master of Health Law Study Program is an answer to the community's need to open up insights related to Health Law for quality, fair and legal health services. Let's continue to improve to further improve the performance of multidisciplinary study programs and also internationalization. We are also heading for a Legal Entity PTN (PTNBH) which has a very big challenge, namely to become a World Class University.