Implementation of Cooperation with the Banking World, Udayana University and BWS Bank Held a Workshop

Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with Woori Saudara Bank (BWS) held a Workshop on Financial Literacy, Banking Services and Financial Investment, located in the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Building Hall, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (28/10/2022).

This workshop is a form of follow-up to the MoU that has been signed by the parties, where one of the points is the implementation of workshops or public lectures or training on banking services for students. The workshop which was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unud was attended by PMW 2022 students and 2022 P2MW students, while attending as resource persons from Woori Saudara Bank were the Head of the Product and Service Department Kiki Anggreni and the Denpasar Branch Office Head.

Head of Bank Woori Saudara Denpasar Branch Office Supriadi said that this was a form of Bank Woori's concern for the world of education and its contribution to Udayana University. It is hoped that through this activity, Bank Woori can be closer to the academic community of Udayana University. In addition, this activity also aims to provide new experiences and information to students on how banking in Indonesia and Bank Woori are part of banking services in Indonesia. The workshop will be filled with theory and practice which can later be used as experience for participants related to the banking world. He hopes that Bank Woori and Unud can continue to synergize in following up on cooperation.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana expressed his appreciation to Bank Woori Saudara for the cooperation so far. This workshop is a good opportunity for students to open their horizons regarding financial literacy, considering that students from the economics faculty are not only participating. Currently MBKM expects students to seek knowledge other than their faculties, one of which is through industrial internships. He hopes that BWS can cooperate with the Ministry in order to provide certified independent study internship opportunities (MSIB). We in the world of education cannot walk alone but must always cooperate with the business world and the industrial world (Dudi). The collaboration between the world of education and industry is expected to broaden students' horizons so that after graduation they have the insight to work. Students are expected to use this opportunity to discuss and benefit.