LP3M Udayana University Holds FIBAA Accreditation Self Evaluation Report (SER) Preparation Workshop for 14 Study Programs

Denpasar - The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on Preparation of the FIBAA Accreditation Self Evaluation Report (SER) located in the Hall of the Graduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (26/9/2022).

The workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud and presented three resource persons namely Novrys Suhardianto, SE, MSA, Ak., CA., Ph.D (Airlangga University), Prof. Dr-Ing. Herman Parung, M.Eng (Hasanuddin University) and Dr. Dhanang Respati Puguh, M. Hum (Diponegoro University). The workshop was attended by participants consisting of the Chair and Secretary of LP3M, the Dean, Coordinator of Study Programs, UP3M and the Taskfoce Team and the LP3M Team.

There are 14 study programs proposed to join FIBAA from 4 faculties, namely the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Tourism.

Committee Chairman Ainul Ghurri, ST.,MT.,Ph.D Coordinator of the Internationalization Center in his report said that since it was launched in early February this year, we have conducted several workshops. Then there were 26 Study Programs registered with Belmawa to take part in the International Accreditation Technical Guidance according to the targets of their respective accreditation institutions held by ITS, UII Yogyakarta and Unair, but only 20 Study Programs entered the three universities. The technical guidance has been going on since August until now. It is hoped that all will benefit from this guidance.

This time, we are again holding this FIBAA workshop by presenting three speakers who will simultaneously review the SER from the Study Program. Hopefully later it can be submitted in good condition and ready and FIBAA accreditation can be achieved successfully.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his speech expressed his appreciation to the speakers and participants who were present. Together, we participated in this workshop related to the demands of the university's performance contract with the ministry, where there was IKU 8, namely the Study Program that received international standard recognition and that is what we are currently pursuing. To fulfill IKU 8 we have moved and must be even faster.

There is already an AUN QA accredited study program which is the capital and according to one of the sources, AUN QA's experience makes FIBAA easier. This activity is aimed at compiling a SER where there are 14 Study Programs participating, maybe the process is already running and there are obstacles so that resource persons are invited to be able to discuss. The university leadership fully supports this accreditation process and the team is asked to identify things that are needed and will be facilitated for this international accreditation. Through this opportunity, the Vice Chancellor also expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm of the participants under the supervision of the Dean and Coorprodi and hoped that everything would go smoothly.