The LAM-PT Assessor Team Conducts Field Assessments at the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

Field Assessment of the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) by the Assessment Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes), August 29-31 2022. The opening of the assessment was carried out in the Dr. Meeting Room. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (29/8/2022). The event was attended by the Rector of Unud, the Assessor Team, the Dean and the academic community of FK Unud, the Head of LP3M, the Head of the Library, the Head of USDI, the President Director of the Unud Hospital, and other invitees. The assessors who attended were Prof. Dr. dr. Ambar Mudigdo, Sp.PA(K) and dr. Barmadisatrio, Sp.BA(K).

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M Kes in his speech said that this study program is one of 33 study programs that exist and has produced graduates spread across Indonesia. Along with the increasing demands, the quality of graduates must always be improved. For that there must be a system that guarantees this and this time we have a team of assessors who will see if the reports sent are in accordance with what is in the field.

This accreditation is mandatory as the implementation of quality assurance and this process is already underway at the University, Faculty and Study Program levels through the quality assurance unit. Sometimes there are things that are missed, so that internal systems must be supported by external ones. Assessors will see gaps or things that need to be improved to maintain the quality of graduates. Values ​​are not what should be pursued, but how do we guarantee a sustainable quality culture so that graduates have competencies that can compete at the global level. Assessors are expected to provide input as a provision for improvement efforts to improve the quality of education in Study Programs.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said that as a university commitment this activity was also attended by related units to jointly provide support for the smooth running of this activity and listen to directions from assessors. Furthermore, the Rector conveyed a glimpse of Unud which is 60 years old, of which 64 percent of the 118 study programs have very good accreditation, A and Excellent, the rest are good. Those who have achieved A will be pushed to international accreditation. About 28 percent of study programs are in FK and our AIPT is already superior. Currently, Unud is in the form of a BLU, hopefully in the future it will be able to join other big universities to become PTN BH.

Furthermore, the Rector said that the Faculty of Medicine will be developed by opening several new study programs that are needed by the community. His party also has plans to expand the number of student bodies, then there is a centralization program for S0 and S1 at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus and several Dean buildings and lecture buildings will be built. Unud also has an Unud Hospital which is currently type B and is expected to be developed into type A and become an Education Hospital. Besides that, there is also an RSGM and RSH development plans. The quality assurance system commanded by LP3M has been running well. It is hoped that more study programs will achieve excellent accreditation. Study Programs are asked to support the data needed by assessors, and the Rector hopes that the accreditation achieved can increase, and assessors are expected to provide input both in general and in particular.

While the Assessor Prof. Ambar Mudigdo in his direction conveyed that this field assessment is not only for assessing, but his party invites together to discuss how to overcome existing obstacles so that the culture of continuous quality improvement becomes the breath of the Study Program. This sustainable culture is essential and must be encouraged and supported. The two of them asked for permission to meet, hopefully they can have a relaxed but serious discussion so that the recommendations needed together can be raised. There is indeed an assessment aspect, but it is more of a discussion to improve the quality culture.