Improving HR Competence in Public Relations, Udayana University Holds Workshop

Udayana University through the Bureau of Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations (BAKH) held a Public Relations Competency Improvement Workshop in Realizing Optimal Public Services in Higher Education at Sens Hotel & Resort Ubud, Friday-Saturday (26-27 August 2022). This workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information and was attended by participants who are staff in charge of public relations and public services within the Udayana University environment and there were also participants from four other universities namely Bali State Polytechnic, Undiknas, Bali International Polytechnic and STPBI.

The speakers for this activity is from the London School Public Relations (LSPR), where this activity is also a form of implementation of the collaboration between Unud and LSPR. The speakers who attended were Rendro Dhani, Ph.D with material Global capability Public Relations in Asia; Ms. Gesille Sedra Buot Zambrano, MBA with material on Public Relations Ethics and Crisis Communication; and Anak Agung Istri Putri Dwijayanti, M.I.Kom with Public Speaking and Persuasive Communication material. Besides that, this workshop also held training as a Master of Ceremony (MC) in increasing insight and confidence to appear and communicate in public.

Head of BAKH of Udayana University Drs. IGN Indra Kecapa, M.Ed in his report conveyed that in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, Udayana University as a public body is required to be able to provide services to the community quickly, on time, at low cost and in an efficient manner. simple. The role and function of Public Relations in this case is very strategic in providing services in accordance with what is mandated by law or government regulations, including optimizing communication and information networks both internally and externally; Synergize public information and shape public opinion. In this regard, it is necessary to have professional Human Resources in providing services to the public with courtesy, friendliness, ethics and good manners so as to provide a positive image for the Institution or University or related work unit.

The holding of this workshop itself has the aim of increasing the competence of Human Resources (HR) in the field of public relations, developing and exploring the potential of human resources from each unit, which of course the output is so that universities have human resources who have public relations competencies. Workshop participants totaled 50 people, consisting of 46 employees in the field of Public Relations or serving the public, as well as one person each from the Public Relations of several other universities. In this workshop presenting 3 (three) resource persons from LSPR, where as we know LSPR is a trusted institution mainly in the field of Communication Studies.

While the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his speech said that this workshop aims to improve competence and explore the potential in the field of public relations. Of course, this is a very good goal because the field of public relations is very important for us to be able to communicate with all customers, both internal and external, especially in its development as Unud is moving to become a PTN BH. So that it is expected to have competent resources in their respective fields, including public relations. His party welcomes and supports what is the purpose of this activity which will produce public relations personnel who have competencies which are expected to be realized in the form of certification. With certification, every employee will be able to show good quality to communicate what is at Udayana University. Many things are sometimes not well received because we are lacking in communicating them, for that it is hoped that through workshops we can improve this competency and the communication will become better and well accepted by the community.