Socialization of the Free Entrepreneurship Program (WMK) 2022, Udayana University Becomes One of the Universities Implementing

The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Directorate General of Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek held a Socialization of the 2022 Free Entrepreneurship Program (WMK) which took place online through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday (15/8/2022). This socialization is in the context of implementing the 2022 WMK Program organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek), where seventeen universities implementing the 2022 WMK Program have been announced. This activity was attended by representatives from around 119 PTN and PTS in Indonesia .

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana together with the Entrepreneurship Development Unit attended this activity, where Udayana University was also selected as one of 17 universities implementing the 2022 WMK Program.

Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Sri Gunani Partiwi, MT said that a selection process has taken place which was participated by several universities throughout Indonesia and there were 17 universities selected as implementers because they had met various criteria, and were given the opportunity for all students to become partners in this program. The WMK program is implemented as a forum to facilitate and accelerator for students who have interest and potential in the field of entrepreneurship.

As we know, the existence or availability of entrepreneurs in a country will determine the progress of a nation, for that it continues to provide facilities and organize programs to trigger the growth of young entrepreneurs. Universities attending this activity are those with great potential who can join this program. It invites them to be part of the partners who send their students to implementing universities. This can fulfill IKU 1, where students are given intensive provisions, both knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship. Then IKU 2, where students get off-campus experience. Through the involvement of students, it is hoped that they can develop their potential in entrepreneurship with practitioners, mentors and industries that have been designed in this program, maybe even investors and can increase the number of work eligibility for our alumni in the future.

Implementing universities have also prepared the best entrepreneurial curriculum designs and also prioritize entrepreneurial experience and practice for students who take part in this program. Higher education leaders are also expected to be able to adjust the curriculum according to the independent campus curriculum and encourage and facilitate students and supervisors to play a role in WMK and be able to provide recognition and equalization of students who participate in the program up to 20 credits. Of course, internal coordination of each university is needed to support this program. This is at the same time an opportunity to explore experiences and adapt for students to a new environment and collaborate and contribute to expressing their ideas and creativity to develop their entrepreneurial spirit.

Head of the 2022 WMK Program Dr. Wachyu Hari Haji, MPM, CHRA in his report said that the independent entrepreneurship program is here to help reduce the educated unemployment rate of college graduates, as well as help increase the capacity and quality of graduates. There are some basic things that an entrepreneur needs to start a business, namely mentorship, network, mindset and basic entrepreneurial skills. There are 9,800 total academic student vacancies and 3,100 total vocational student vacancies available in this Merdeka Entrepreneurship program, where there are 17 universities selected as the executor. Registration can be done through the website until August 26, 2022.

In this activity, discussions were also held between representatives of 13 implementing universities and partner universities as well as the WMK implementing team regarding the recognition of SKS recognition.