Public Health Undergraduate Study Program Receives Visits from Assessors from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes)

The Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) conducted a Field Assessment in the context of accreting the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program at Udayana University located in dr. AA Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Monday (4/7/2022). The Field Assessment by LAM-PTKes presented two assessors, namely Prof. Dr. Ridwan Amiruddin, SKM., M.Kes., M.Sc.PH and Prof. Dr. Dra. Dewi Susanna, M.Kes.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes in his speech conveyed his welcome to the two assessor teams to see firsthand and confirm firsthand whether the things reported in the documents were really appropriate or not. As an educational institution that wants to produce graduates who are competent, qualified, ready to serve the community, ready to compete at the national or international level, of course, it must be supported by quality education, research and service. The Dean hopes that what will be photographed by the assessor team is in accordance with what has been reported by the IKM Study Program, so that it can provide added value for the Study Program. It is hoped that the Assessor Team can see as much detail as possible and provide input so that we can complete and improve it so that later the process of developing study programs can run continuously, in order to guarantee quality improvements to always be able to produce graduates who are competent and always ready to devote their knowledge to the community.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Rai, gave a brief presentation about the forerunner of the establishment of Udayana University, the location of the campus in three places, the number of faculties and study programs, the number of lecturers and staff at Udayana University, the plan to build eight deans which will be carried out on the Bukit Jimbaran campus. Udayana University is currently one of 27 tertiary institutions that are predicated as superior in Indonesia, he hopes that the study programs at Unud will soon follow the 17 study programs that are already excellent at this time and there are also 50 study programs that are accredited A, and really hope that the Health Study Program will This community has become a study program that has a superior predicate.

Meanwhile, the Assessor Team, Prof. Ridwan on this occasion said that the LAM-PT Kes Team had arrived to explore the evidence that had been written on the form. So our function is to explore the potential that exists in this field assessment opportunity. Thank you for today's acceptance and all stakeholders who have been helping the Bachelor of Public Health study program, so that this study program from year to year shows its quality as a study program that is growing extraordinarily. "Obviously, in the next two days, we need help on how this document can be used as evidence of the efforts that have been made in the last four years so that this study program can certainly further develop itself in sustainable quality assurance efforts". he insisted.