Field Supervisor of PPM KKN Must Have Certificate, LPPM Udayana University Holds Training of Trainer

The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Training of Trainer (TOT) for Field Supervisor (DPL) KKN PPM Period XXV Year 2022 at the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Thursday (16/06/2022).

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si said that there were around 165 DPL candidates registered to take part in the TOT, where this period of KKN will be done offline after two years of being online. Of course there is a difference between offline and online implementation, so TOT is carried out for DPL. According to the direction of the Chancellor, the certificate is valid for two years, and must be renewed when it expires. This TOT is also carried out in order to increase the capacity of DPL, share views and perceptions of the activities carried out in KKN, especially those related to guidance and assessment. The hope is to get a DPL that has sufficient capacity. This PPM KKN will take place offline for 1 month 2 weeks from July 16 to August 28, 2022.

This year there are 4,256 students who will be spread out in 193 villages in Bali including Nusa Penida, which prior to the implementation of KKN will be given special briefing for students. At this TOT, briefing on general work programs and stunting information was provided so that they could be passed on to students, in addition, health information saw a decrease in Covid cases but there were new variants, so that in KKN they could stay healthy. Participants who take part in the PPM KKN must participate in the activity to completion and must register and be ready to be placed throughout Indonesia to get a certificate.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU said that currently there is a policy to carry out KKN offline, but students who are not ready are welcome online. It is hoped that this condition will gradually return to normal and KKN can be carried out as well as possible. KKN at Unud has been running very well so far, for that the integrity of Unud in the community must be maintained. Besides that, KKN is also a direct assessment of the community, so let's show that Unud is special in the eyes of the community. Through this KKN one must do something that is beneficial to the community, for that the companions and mentors must function properly.

The supervisor's role is very important in directing students during KKN. For this reason, his party will not hesitate to give penalties to lecturers and students who commit violations, and there should be no bad judgment from the public. We must be responsible, for that management must be improved where DPL must have a certificate following the TOT so that they know their duties and responsibilities as DPL. The specialty of KKN at Unud is that one of the determinants of student graduation is the Village Head. There used to be a Village Service Seminar to introduce Unud to Village Heads by presenting resource persons from the Ministry of Villages, Ministry of Finance and the KPK in managing village budgets and this year the plan is to hold it again in August. The Chancellor gave his appreciation to LPPM for facilitating the implementation of KKN. Hopefully the TOT implemented can support the implementation of KKN.

This time TOT presented four speakers, Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana, I Ketut Mangku Budiasa, S.Pt., M.Si, Prof. Pande Putu Januraga and Prof. I Made Ady Wirawan with NMEA moderator Dewi Wirastuti, Ph.D., IPU and dr. Kadek Swastika, M.Kes.