Udayana University Receives High School Visits from Lampung and Cirebon

Udayana University welcomes students from SMA Negeri 6 Cirebon, West Java and SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Agung, Central Lampung at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (13/06/2022). There were 120 students accompanied by 8 accompanying teachers from SMAN 6 Cirebon and 48 students accompanied by 4 accompanying teachers from SMAN 1 Seputih Agung, Bandar Lampung who visited today. The visit was received by the Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations, Hamidiah Yunus and the team from the Public Relations Subdivision of Udayana University.

Vice Principal for Student Affairs at SMAN 6 Cirebon, Eka Noviyanto and Deputy Principal for Student Affairs at SMAN 1 Seputih Agung, Sapto Wardoyo on this occasion said that the purpose of this visit was to provide briefing to students, especially grade 11 students who will soon continue to Higher Education . Besides that, it is also to provide students with an understanding that education is broad, not confined to the area of ​​origin, but there are many other university options, one of which is Udayana University in Bali.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations of Udayana University, Hamidiah Yunus, expressed his gratitude for choosing Udayana University as a place for students to visit both from SMAN 6 Cirebon and from SMAN 1 Seputih Agung. The visit received at the same time is the tenth visit in 2022. The Coordinator of Public Relations Cooperation hopes that through this visit he can obtain more detailed information about Udayana University and increase student interest in continuing higher education at Udayana University. This visit by students from various high schools for Udayana University is also a means of introducing or promoting the University to the wider community.

During this visit, discussions were also held by accompanying teachers and students with resource persons regarding information about Udayana University delivered by the Coordinator of Public Relations Cooperation of Udayana University. There were several things that were conveyed in the discussion regarding scholarships, admission routes, tuition fees as well as tips and tricks for choosing a major at Udayana University.