Animal Science Doctoral Program Udayana University Holds Curriculum Workshop

Denpasar - Doctoral Program in Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University held a Curriculum Workshop at the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (12/5/2022). The workshop was opened by the Rector of Udayana University and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Staff, Coorporate of Doctoral Program in Animal Science, Leaders or representatives of Higher Education, Government Agencies, Stakeholders, Lecturers and Alumni. The theme raised in the workshop was Strengthening the Curriculum of the Animal Science Doctoral Study Program facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 by presenting two speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Luki Abdullah, M.Sc., Agr., IPM from IPB and Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Nyoman Suryani, M.Si (Coordinator of Doctoral Program in Animal Science at Udayana University).

Chairman of the Committee Prof. I Gede Mahardika in his report said that the curriculum is one of the important tools in the development of education, so the main purpose of this workshop is to improve the curriculum so that it can really provide the maximum benefit for the development of education in the Animal Science Doctoral Study Program, so that alumni or graduates will become alumni who are able to explore and develop science and technology, especially in the field of animal husbandry. He also said that the refinement of this curriculum had started some time ago and the results were in the form of evaluation results which would be discussed in this workshop. The Chairperson of the Committee hopes that participants can provide input on what has been made so that it is as desired. There are three things that will be discussed, namely the profile of graduates and CPL, Compulsory Courses and Dissertation Supporting Courses.

Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Udayana University, Dr. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana in his speech said that the Doctoral Program in Animal Science is currently accredited A and according to the direction of the Rector through LP3M, it is expected to be directed to be Superior. For this reason, through this workshop, we will formulate a curriculum that has not been reviewed for a long time by presenting speakers, Prof. Luki and Prof. Syria. It is hoped that through this activity the resource persons can provide direction to produce a contemporary curriculum according to user needs.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his direction conveyed Udayana University future development plans. Through this opportunity, the Rector informed that through ISK AIPT Udayana University from A had become Superior. In order to create an integrated campus education ecosystem, we must make adjustments both in academics, human resources and infrastructure. For Infrastructure, there will be 25 development projects including the construction of a new Dean building. Furthermore, the Rector said that his party was also intensively pursuing a quality culture, namely AMI through LP3M and accreditation. Study programs with B accreditation must immediately go to A, for those who have A, they should be encouraged to become Superior and to international accreditation. This year, 14 study programs are programmed to participate in international accreditation and in 2023 there will be 9 more study programs. this is to support Udayana University steps towards PTN BH. Meanwhile, regarding the curriculum, it is necessary to always update it so that it is representative and in accordance with what is needed by stakeholders. This workshop is expected to support this through input from stakeholders. This is expected to increase the absorption of alumni in the community.

The material presented by the resource persons was regarding the curriculum development process, curriculum implementation and curriculum revitalization based on KKNI.