Improve IKU-6 Achievements in the Field of Cooperation, Udayana University Holds IKU-6 Outreach and Cooperation Report Page

Udayana University through the Cooperation and Public Relations Division held a Socialization of Key Performance Indicators (IKU-6) and the Cooperation Report Page (LAPKERMA) which took place online through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (25/04/2022).

The socialization event was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information, Deans, Head of BAKH, Head of BPKU, Coordinators of Diploma and Undergraduate Study Programs, Head of UPIKS, IKU League Team, Coordinator of Planning Section, Coordinator of Cooperation Section, and Faculty TU Coordinator at Udayana University.

This socialization was carried out in the context of managing and reporting cooperation at Udayana University, especially regarding the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU-6). There were two speakers from Kemdikbudristek, namely, Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M.Sc. as Coordinator of General Substances, Cooperation and Public Relations of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology with the material "Cooperation Policy in Fulfilling Key Performance Indicators (IKU-6)". The second resource person was Firman Hidayat, S.S., M.Si as the Sub Coordinator of Cooperation, Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology with the material "Technical Explanation of the Cooperation Reporting System (Lapkerma)", guided by a moderator in the discussion session by Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, MSc., PhD.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika on this occasion expressed his gratitude to the resource persons who were willing to attend to provide enlightenment related to the management of IKU-6 in the Field of Cooperation. The Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information advised that this socialization activity can be listened to and utilized as well as possible, so that what is our challenge to produce collaborations that are in accordance with the IKU can be understood together, and provide benefits for Udayana University.