Increasing KPI Achievements and Internationalization of the Social-Humanities Study Program, LP3M Udayana University Holds the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) Seminar

In order to improve the achievement of key performance indicators and the internationalization of the Social-Humanities Study program, the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University held “The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) Seminar”. The workshop was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Udayana University, the Chair and Secretary of LP3M, the Deans/Vice Deans from Faculty of Economic and Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Humanities, and Faculty of Tourism, the study programs, and the head of the task force from 14 study programs prepared for FIBAA accreditation. This event was held in the Senate Room of the Agrocomplex Building, Udayana University Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Wednesday (23/3/2022).

Previously, LP3M had also held a socialization about FIBAA's international accreditation, and a workshop related to writing a self-evaluation report referring to FIBAA. The workshop which was held today discussed the process of calculating the ECTS conversion for student study loads. ECTS is a credit transfer system from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to make studies and courses more transparent in order to improve the quality of higher education in Europe. This conversion calculation needs to be done to determine the conversion of the SKS study load to ECTS, so that the FIBAA accreditation body or others from Europe (ASIIN, AQAS, etc.) can assess the tuition load for each educational strata in Indonesia. This conversion is also needed so that the study program can convert SKS to ECTS for students who will or have taken higher education in Europe or vice versa.

The workshop began with a report from the head of LP3M Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc.,Ph.D. who said that in order to prepare for international accreditation, it was necessary to make a curriculum overview which required the conversion of student study load in Indonesia in units of credits into ECTS credits, so that 14 study programs from 4 faculties that would advance for FIBAA accreditation needed to have the same perception about the conversion rate.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his speech emphasized again that Udayana University is still far behind in international accreditation, so it requires hard work from all parties. And in relation to transfer credits, he is sure that all study programs have paid close attention and although there are some differences of opinion, it is hoped that in this workshop, the problem of converting the student's study load will be agreed upon with a common ground based on sound arguments and correct legal basis.

The seminar was also filled with presentations by resource persons, namely Prof. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, who opened his presentation with the analogy of equalizing metal and cotton or currency exchange rates, where the conversion problem is more about the need to equalize the perception of the problem of weight or study load between students in Indonesia and in Europe. Next Prof. Putra Yadnya delivered a detailed explanation of the definition of ECTS, the process of calculating the student study load based on credits (50 minutes of study, 60 minutes of structured assignments, and 60 minutes of self-study) per week and after calculating the total for one semester, the conversion of 1 credit = 1.6 ECTS.

After going through discussions with all participants, the workshop agreed that the conversion of the study load used was 1 credit = 1.7 ECTS. The results of this workshop will be used as a conversion reference for 14 study programs that will apply for FIBAA accreditation, so that the total study load of students can be converted into study loads in ECTS so that accreditation bodies from Europe can evaluate and assess study programs at Udayana University.