Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) Conducts Desk Evaluation of Doctors Sub-specialist in Diseases Study Program

The Internal Medicine Sub-specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University/Sanglah Hospital, conducted a "Desk Evaluation" which took place online via Zoom Meeting, Monday (31/1/2022). This activity was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, the Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the Coordinators of Study Programs, LP3M, the Head of the UPT Library, the Managing Director of Sanglah Hospital, the Chairperson of the KKI and other ranks and invitees.

Head of KKI dr. Putu Moda Arsana, Sp.PD-KEMD conveyed that the previous evaluation desk implementation had been carried out, but there were improvements, and a thorough improvement was immediately carried out. As is known in Bali, an International Hospital will be established which has been groundbreaking and has high hopes for Bali, including its professional staff. This hospital will later bring infrastructure, technology and human resources, of course, we must master the infrastructure and technology according to the law, there must be a companion, therefore KKI has prepared educational standards, especially SP2.

KKI wants Bali to be good, starting with improving education standards through 17 standards, and also improving the process through monitoring and evaluation carried out by KKI. Improvement of education standards at the beginning is very important because everything will refer to it. The task of KKI is to monitor so that the output produced is good as well as the outcome. We hope that the education center will jointly implement it for the sake of the nation and state, especially in terms of health services. If something is missing, it should be fixed immediately. After the recommendation is issued, the Rectorate will immediately process it for submission to Dikti.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU conveyed that the implementation of this desk evaluation could complement the proposal from Udayana University. There are two things that need to be known about the presence of stakeholders in the health sector, namely the establishment of an International Hospital and concerns about the entry of the world's best universities operating in Indonesia, especially Bali.

In order to anticipate this, Udayana University has a long-term development plan along with the strategy to be carried out. The threat will be a challenge in carrying out the task to improve the quality of education at Unud. Let's do a desk evaluation which is expected to answer these challenges. This activity is expected to provide an understanding of what needs to be done, so that development can be carried out as well as possible. His party wants to develop Faculty of Medicine by expanding the scope of services to the community through the formation of new study programs that are relevant to future needs. Related to internationalization, study programs must pave the way for cooperation at the global level. Following this desk evaluation is the commitment of the university leadership to this, and the Rector is ready to process more for the process of sending documents.

On the same occasion, the Managing Director of Sanglah Hospital, dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes said that his party continues to strive and improve infrastructure, human resources and other facilities to support the smooth formation and smooth running of Sub-specialists who are a shared need that can improve the quality of health services, education and research produced.