Inauguration of Chair and Deputy Chair of Ormawa for the 2022 Period at Udayana University

The inauguration of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the 2022 Student Organization (Ormawa) at Udayana University took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (7/1/2022). The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, USCC Chair, Chair of the Ormawa Development Unit, Head of the Student Development Unit, Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the 2021 Ormawa Representative Office.

The event began with the reading of the names of the Chair and Vice Chair of the 2022 Udayana University Level Student Organization by the Coordinator of the Interest, Reasoning and Information Section of BKM. Followed by taking the oath of office by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs representing the Rector of Unud and signing the minutes of the inauguration. There were 29 Chairmen and Deputy Chairpersons of Ormawa who were sworn in, consisting of DPM and 28 SMEs.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech congratulated the Chair and Vice Chair of the 2022 Student Organization. Furthermore, the Heads of these Student Organizations will be invited to listen to presentations related to work programs that must be achieved by the university. Then this Student Organization can hold a Work Meeting to draw up work plans and programs and can coordinate with the Ormawa Development Unit. The Vice Rector expects all Ormawa to perform. Knowing the achievements to be achieved in 2022 because all of them are to meet the main performance indicators of the university. Among them are entrepreneurship in IKU one, outstanding students and MBKM in IKU two. Cooperation and synergy are needed in building Unud and not to be defeated by other universities such as in Simkatmawa and the IKU league.

Furthermore, the Vice Rector said that an evaluation of Ormawa activities in 2021 and 2022 will then be evaluated again, if 2023 does not perform, it will be frozen. We will make an integrity pact, in which all budgets must be based on performance. The Vice Rector wished him a happy work and carrying out his duties to the Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the Ormawa. By participating in an organization we can hone and improve soft skills which will later become an advantage. In organizing the performance targets must also be met, how to move the organization to perform and achieve and contribute to the progress of Udayana University. We are one of the big universities in eastern Indonesia, for that we must work together to be able to compete, and synergize for the progress of Udayana University.