PUPAR LPPM Unud Finalizes Cooperation with Disparpora Mahulu

The Center for Tourism Excellence Team of the Research and Community Service Institute (PUPAR LPPM Unud) carried out the presentation of the final report on the Detailed Engineering Design (DED) study and the Land Inventory of the Batoq Tenevang Tourism Center and the Tourist Attraction of Kelekup Waterfall in Mahakam Ulu Regency.

This DED study and land inventory is the second phase of collaboration between the Department of Youth and Sports Tourism, Mahakan Ulu Regency (Disparpora Mahulu) and PUPAR LPPM Unud. In 2020, a collaboration was established with the preparation of a Feasibility Study Study for the Batoq Tenevang Tourism Center and the Tourism Attraction of Kelekup Waterfall. Based on the results of the feasibility test, the two areas are feasible to be developed into tourism areas. The feasibility includes the feasibility of the policy, the feasibility of potential tourist attractions, the feasibility of tourism facilities, the feasibility of the tourist market, financial feasibility and governance feasibility.

The PUPAR LPPM Unud team, represented by Dr. Nyoman Ariana on this occasion also explained that the PUPAR LPPM Unud had helped conduct studies both feasibility studies, master plans, engineering design designed (DED) as well as land inventories in various regions. "We have not only conducted studies in Bali, but we have helped other areas such as Mahakam Ulu, Marauke, Labuan Bajo, Kaimana and other areas in the study of tourism development," said Dr. Nyoman Ariana.

The visit of the Unud PUPAR Team was highly appreciated by the Disporapar of Balikpapan City. Furthermore, the Disporapar of Balikpapan City expressed its hope to be able to establish cooperation starting with the signing of a Momorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PUPAR LPPM Unud regarding the development and management of tourism in the City of Balikpapan. Moreover, the Head of Balikpapan City Tourism Abdul Majid, S.S said that the Mayor really wanted to build Balikpapan City tourism. "I think this will be approved by the Mayor, because he wants to make a history of development regarding tourism in the City of Balikpapan. Says Abdul Mjid, S.S

The Research Team of the Center for Tourism Excellence (PUPAR) of LPPM Unud who participated in this activity, namely Nyoman Ariana, I Gede Adi Susila, I Wayan Yuda Manik, Putu Ade Harriestha Martana, Agus Sukma Yogiswara, Ketut Kusuma Wardana, I Gusti Bagus Arya Yudiastina , and Wayan Agung Panca P.