Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Launches Wiyata Kinarya (Corporate University) Merdeka Learn

The Ministry of Education and Culture currently has 124,732 human resources spread throughout the Main Units, Work Units in various Provinces, Regencies/Cities as well as Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions. In order to improve and develop the Human Resources of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Wiyata Kinarya (Corporate University) Merdeka Learning has been developed which unites all facilities, learning resources, as well as an integrative and collaborative learning and development approach that can be accessed by all Ministry of Education and Culture Human Resources.

The Head of Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Amurwani Dwi Lestariningsih, S.Sos., M.Hum in his report said that Wiyata Kinarya (Corporate University) Merdeka Learning is an effort made by the Ministry of Education and Culture to create superior and competitive resources. As is known Kemendikbudristek is the Ministry that has the most and the largest human resources spread across the main unit, as well as in the regions. Wiyata Kinarya is the acceleration of bureaucratic reform at the Ministry of Education and Technology, especially in the area of ​​change management and HR management systems, shifting structural functions from echelon III and IV to functional positions and developing human resources as mandated by the Act. It is a HR competency development system that was initiated to provide a variety of learning content for all HR within the Ministry of Education and Culture and later will also be accessible to the general public. This system integrates various materials from all elements of knowledge management, learning management and competency development management systems. Through this system, HR competency development will be well recorded and documented.

Secretary General of Kemendikbudristek Suharti, Ph.D in his speech said that all life changes so fast, some are predictable and some are not. Everything needs to move, including the ASN coaching system. Bureaucratic reform in accordance with the mandate of the Act certainly requires further development and is a shared responsibility. The ministry has challenges to develop that competence. Let's work together and make sure the human resources that are fostered really perform at their best. Wiyata Kinarya is the answer to this need. The Secretary General would like to thank the Team and partners who have participated in the development of the said system. The Secretary General hopes that all members of the Ministry really become human resources who learn and learn all the time. Wiyata Kinarya is part of an integrated HR development effort. This is just the first step to carry out the task of building human resources at the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Mendikbudristek Nadiem Makarim in his direction at the same time launching Wiyata Kinarya Merdeka Learning expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm and hard work in simultaneously moving to support independent learning which is now a National Movement to bring education to a better direction. The journey is still long and the challenges ahead will be even more challenging. We have to keep learning and keep growing. The Minister of Education and Technology invites all members of the Ministry to take advantage of this platform which is expected to increase competence and collaboration among HR.

This event was also attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana represented the Rector of Unud together with the UNUD MBKM Coordinator online through the Zoom Meeting application.

This event was also coupled with a talk-talk activity which presented speakers from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Head of the General Finance Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Finance and the Deputy for Policy Development for ASN Competences at the State Administration Institution and the Head of Education and Training Center for Employees at the Ministry of Education and Culture.