Unud Student Bureau Holds Socialization of MBKM Teaching Campus Batch III

The Student Bureau of Udayana University held a Socialization of Independent Learning on the Independent Campus (MBKM) of Teaching Campus Wave III which was attended online by the Vice Deans III, the Chair and Secretary of the USCC, the Heads of Study Programs and active students in semesters 5, 6 and 7 at Udayana University. Tuesday, (7/12/2021).

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs who on this occasion was represented by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University I Dewa Gede Oka, SE in his speech conveyed. Campus Teaching is a program that provides an opportunity for one semester for students to help teachers, principals at the Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP) levels in carrying out learning activities, especially those affected by the pandemic. Through this program, students are expected to be able to share their knowledge, skills and inspire elementary and middle school students to broaden their goals and horizons.

In the current Phase III Teaching Campus Program, the rights obtained by students who will take part in this program are students and the program are entitled to assistance or subsidies for Single Tuition Fees (UKT), pocket money and transportation at the beginning and end of the activity in accordance with the provisions applicable. In addition, after completing this program, participating students are also entitled to receive semester credits of up to 20 credits.

In addition, it was also conveyed, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 754 of 2020 concerning Key Performance Indicators (IKU) where the MBKM Program is one of the eight main performance indicators and fulfills a minimum of 30 percent of students participating in the MBKM Program. Therefore, it is hoped that each Study Program is also obliged to facilitate students so that there is no doubt in participating in the MBKM Program. The MBKM program is an institutional obligation program that must be fulfilled and must be achieved together.

On this occasion the Chair of the USCC Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si, who is also the Coordinator of MBKM at Udayana University, gave a related presentation about the third batch of teaching campuses.