Increase SINTA Ranking and Scopus Indexation Unud Journal, JUPI Provides Training and Mentoring

JUPI, Udayana University, carried out Nge-Camp Journal activities: Training and Assistance for Unud Journal towards Improving National Accreditation and Scopus Indexation, 6-7 December 2021 at Swiss-Belresort Watu Jimbar. Training and mentoring were given to 78 managers of Unud Journal and 10 journal managers from other universities in Bali. The activity also presented Prof. Dr. Muji Setiyo, ST., MT from Muhammadiyah University of Magelang as resource person.

Udayana University Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P said that his party also supports training and mentoring activities for journal managers. The Vice Rector hopes that in the future, journal management at Udayana University can further improve its quality in SINTA accreditation and Scopus indexation.

Head of JUPI Unit Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM said this activity was carried out to provide understanding and refreshment to journal managers regarding journal governance and indexed criteria for SINTA and Scopus. In addition, this activity can increase cooperation between journal managers at Udayana University and journal managers from other universities, so that they can share experiences with each other.

In order to maintain the existence of Unud Journal, the Head of JUPI said that his party was strengthening the 3 pillars that support the existence of Unud Journal, such as the journal information system (SIJUNA) to monitor journal developments and evaluations, OJS, and DOI independently. Other efforts were carried out, such as regular training and mentoring activities to improve journal governance, as well as appreciation in the form of incentives to motivate journal managers.