LPPM Unud Holds Online Dissemination of the Unud Research Master Plan (RIP) 2022-2026

The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held an online socialization of the Unud Research Master Plan (RIP) 2022-2026 through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (1/11/2021).

This socialization event was held to disseminate to the Unud academic community about the direction of Unud's research in the next four years, which has been adjusted to the 2020-2024 Unud Strategic Plan, the 2015-2045 National Research Master Plan (RIRN), the 2020 Unud Research Standards, and the 2015-2045 National Research Plan. National Action for Sustainable Development Goals (2020-2024).

The socialization agenda was divided into 3 (three) sessions, namely: 1) Presentation of Research and Community Service Directions and Policies, and the 2022 LPPM Unud Activity Agenda by the Chair of the Unud LPPM, Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Sc., 2) Socialization of RIP Unud 2022-2026 by the Head of Drafting RIP Unud 2022-2026, Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., followed by a discussion and question and answer session. The event was moderated by the Secretary of LPPM Unud, Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, Ph.D. The socialization was attended by the Deans, WD I, Koprodi and Head of UP2M, and 135 participants from lecturer representatives from each faculty, who were very enthusiastic about participating in this socialization event.

It is hoped that the formulation of this RIP will become the basis for the institution to carry out its functions and responsibilities in the field of research, as well as become a guide and direction for lecturers in conducting research. The results of the research carried out will lead to the Vision and Mission of Unud which is beneficial for the development of science and has an impact on society.