Udayana University Press Held Textbook Writing Training in 2021

Udayana University Press Udayana University held a 2021 Textbook Writing Training which took place online through the cisco webex application, Tuesday (26/10/2021). The training was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud and presented two resource persons, namely Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Dharma Putra, M. Litt from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unud and IGN Parikesit Widiateja, SH., M. Hum., LLM., Ph.D from the Faculty of Law Unud and moderator Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus inducts Sutanegara Pidada, M.Hum Head of Publishing Unud.

Chief Publisher of Unud Dr. Ida Bagus Jelantik Sutanegara Pidada in his report said that this training is routinely carried out by publishers to encourage more Unud academics to write books. Publishers of course need writers and vice versa, in addition to fostering a culture of writing books, it is the obligation of publishers to also include the culture of writing textbooks. This training has been received quite well from year to year, with a large number of participants. Publishers also receive many manuscripts after training activities. The presenters are experienced in writing books. The Chief Publisher also expressed his appreciation to all parties who have contributed to the implementation of this activity.

The Director of BPU Unud in his speech delivered by Vice Director I Wayan Mulyawan said that writing textbooks is one of the obligations of lecturers in carrying out the Tridharma of Higher Education. This training is expected to be able to assist lecturers in writing their respective textbooks and UPT publishers are able to facilitate the publication of these textbooks. Textbooks are important learning media for students so that writing textbooks is important for a lecturer. The market potential for textbook publishing is also very high and is expected to support Udayana University's income. Udayana University Press is expected to be able to develop professionally and compete with other publishers. The Director of BPU appreciated the resource persons and hoped that this activity would benefit all participants.

While the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in her speech said that textbook writing training is an important activity for the academic community. Textbooks become the standard in the implementation of the learning process for students. Textbooks are also effective literacy in the transformation of knowledge and help students enter the gates of the knowledge they are engaged in. Writing textbooks is also a medium for lecturers in developing academic culture. The Vice Rector appreciated the resource persons and hoped that the participants could gain as much knowledge as possible from the resource persons and that the training would benefit all parties.