Unud Again Receives the Informative Public Agency Predicate from the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) won the title of Informative Public Agency in the Public Information Openness Award organized by the Central Information Commission (KI) of the Republic of Indonesia. The award presentation took place online through the Zoom Meeting application, Tuesday (26/10/2021). The award to a Public Agency with informative qualifications was given virtually directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, K.H. Ma'ruf Amin. On this occasion the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University was also accompanied by the Head of BAKH, Unud Spokesperson, Unud Public Relations and Media Officers and the USDI Team in the Public Information Openness Award activity.

Head of Central KI Gede Narayana in his report said that in 2021, Central KI carried out monitoring and evaluation of all 337 Public Bodies, this experienced a decrease in the number of Public Bodies in 2020 amounting to 348 Public Bodies (BP), this was due to the dissolution of or institutional mergers between several SOEs where in 2020 there were 107 BPs to 101 BPs in 2021, State Institutions and Non-Ministerial Government Institutions in 2020 there were 45 BPs to 41 BPs in 2021, and Non-Structural Institutions in 2020 there were 34 to 33 BPs in 2021. There are several qualifications for Public Bodies, namely Universities, State-Owned Enterprises, Non-Structural Institutions, State Institutions and Non-Ministerial Government Agencies, Provincial Governments, Ministries and Political Parties. The results of the monitoring and evaluation of Public Information Disclosure in 2021 for Universities are 21 BP Informative, 15 BP Towards Informative, 13 BP Sufficiently Informative, 12 BP Less Informative and 24 BP Not Informative.

The Chairman of the Central KI emphasized that the results of this award were not meant as a contest between public bodies, but we must interpret it as a benchmark for the implementation of public information disclosure in the country, where the key word is qualifications, not the ranking and value of a public agency. And the main thing is that the Central Information Commission provides benefits to the community. The Chairman of KI also expressed his gratitude to all leaders of public bodies who have participated and are committed to Public Information Disclosure. Hopefully in the future, the implementation of Public Information Disclosure will be of higher quality and provide benefits to the nation and state.

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia K.H. Ma'ruf Amin appreciated the Central KI for organizing this activity, which at the same time demonstrated the important role of KIP in monitoring and evaluating the achievement of information disclosure of public, government and non-government bodies as well as guarding the strengthening of public agency accountability. This award is a good opportunity for public bodies to continue to accelerate the best efforts regarding information disclosure through various innovations that are relentless. The management of public information disclosure is carried out in order to encourage public participation in order to realize good and transparent government governance. The results of this assessment are expected to be a means of introspection for all public agencies to continue to maintain and improve the performance of public services and their productivity even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Vice President congratulates a public body that has succeeded in achieving the qualification of an informative public body.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes who is also the PPID Unud in a separate interview said that Unud is very proud and happy because it has received the award as an "Informative" Public Body. Of course, this award is a matter of pride for us because we have been preparing it for a year for the period of 2021. Therefore, this is our challenge to how to continue our efforts to increase public information disclosure so that we are able to implement public information services in a transparent, professional and accountable manner.

Our hope as PPID will of course always be to improve ourselves, develop ourselves, always improve better resources, better infrastructure so that we are able to improve public information services to the maximum and hopefully next year we will remain as an informative public body.