Increase the Number and Quality of Internal Assessors, LP3M Holds Training of Trainers Internal Assessors

LP3M Udayana University held an online Internal Assessor Training of Trainers (TOT) activity through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday (30/08/2021). This TOT activity was held in order to increase the number and quality of internal assessors for accreditation of study programs at Udayana University. Present on this occasion were the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of LP3M, Dean, Director of Postgraduate, Vice Dean I, Koprodi, TPPM, Internal Assessor, Chair/prospective Head of Study Program Accreditation Task Force, lecturers who are interested in becoming APS internal assessors, representatives of private universities in Bali , and PT Asuhan Udayana University.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. in his speech said that the holding of this activity aimed to gain an understanding of the instrument of accreditation of study programs version 4.0, especially for prospective assessors as well as refresher and equalize perceptions for assessors who already have previous understanding. More internal assessors are needed to assist in the preparation of Study Program Performance Reports (LKPS) and Self Evaluation Reports (LPS) which will accompany the Task Force.

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs on this occasion also expressed his gratitude to the resource persons who were willing to attend to share their knowledge in this activity as well as to the participants and the implementing committee of this Internal Assessor TOT activity.

This TOT activity presented two resource persons namely Sugiyono, Ph.D as a Member of the Executive Board of BAN-PT with the subject of Study Program Accreditation according to Permendikbud No. 5 of 2020, namely the extension of accreditation ratings, Conversion Supplementary Instruments (UTI), and Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings (PEPA). The second resource person is Suharyadi Pancono, Dipl. EL. Ing., HTL., M.T. as a Lecturer of the Bandung State Manufacturing Polytechnic with material for Study Program Accreditation Instruments 4.0.