Unud Student Affairs Bureau Holds Student Creativity Program Assistance (PKM)

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University organizes Student Creativity Program Assistance (PKM) related to the Assessment of PKM Implementation Progress (PKP2) and PKM Reports for 5 Fields that Pass Funding in 2021. The mentoring event takes place online through the Sisco Webex application. Thursday, (19/8/2021).

This activity was attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, USCC Chair, USCC Secretary, WD III, PKM Students and Supervisors who passed to be funded in 2021.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS. in his direction, he said, in addition to honing hard skills and soft skills in college, the Student Creativity Program (PKM) can also motivate students to provide innovation and creativity in problems that occur in our environment which are published in the form of PKM or Proposals. . Through this meeting, it is hoped that reports on student progress in accountability have passed to be funded in 2021. The Student Creativity Program (PKM) in accordance with what was announced by the center will lead to PIMNAS, which must be prepared carefully and wisely, especially the role of accompanying lecturers or lecturers. mentor. The Vice Rector hopes that before the students compete, they will be prepared carefully, especially for the accompanying lecturers to provide assistance to students as intensively as possible, so that they will qualify for funding in the 2021 period.

While Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si as the Chair of USCC also said that the Student Creativity Program (PKM) of Udayana University had been funded by 90 proposals. There are eleven faculties that passed the funding in 2021, namely the Faculty of Animal Science (FAPET), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Medicine Animals (FKH), Faculty of Marine and Fisheries (FKP), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Faculty of Engineering (FT) and Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP). The USCC chairman hopes that this PKM mentoring activity goes well, so that many teams can pass to PIMNAS. For this reason, students and supervisors are expected to discuss or seek as much information as possible to the speakers who will attend this event.

This mentoring event presents a resource person, namely Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Sundani Suwandhi, Apt. with the title of the presentation material, namely PKP2 and Progress Report with Dr. Moderator. Ni Luh Rasmawati Purnawan, S.S., M.Comn. At the end of the event, a discussion was also held between the supervisor, students and resource persons.