Udayana University Holds Online Outreach for the 2021 Independent Pathway UTBK Technical Outreach

Udayana University held a Technical Socialization of the Implementation of the 2021 Independent Pathway UTBK online, Saturday (17/7/2021). The activity was carried out to provide a technical explanation of the implementation of the Udayana University Independent Pathways UTBK in 2021 during the Emergency PPKM period.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Nyoman Gede Antara said that the 2021 Independent Line UTBK implementation will take place online. This is due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases and the Emergency PPKM period, so the implementation of the Independent Pathway UTBK which was previously planned to be carried out on campus has been adjusted to be full online. Prof. Antara hopes that the general public and prospective students will understand this condition and participate in the socialization as well as possible. Prof. Antara also hopes that prospective students will prepare well and prioritize honesty in taking exams that take place online.

Chairman of the Committee Prof. I Ketut Suyasa conveyed that the 2021 Udayana University Independent Pathways UTBK implementation in the undergraduate and diploma programs will take place on July 22-24 2021. Participants in the undergraduate and diploma programs are 4,632 people with a capacity of 1,970 people. The exam is divided into 5 sessions, namely 1 session for mixed and 4 sessions for science and technology and social science. Every day the exam session is divided into 2 occasions, namely in the morning at 8.15-11.15 WITA and in the afternoon at 12.30-17.30 WITA.

Meanwhile, the acceptance of new students for the second wave of postgraduate programs will be held on July 25, 2021 with TPA and online English tests. Implementation of TKD and interviews in each study program on 19-24 July 2021. Prof. Suyasa advised that prospective students should prepare themselves, the necessary equipment, and health so that they can take part in the online UTBK as well as possible.

Furthermore, the technical implementation of the online Independent Pathway UTBK was explained by the USDI Team and the Academic Section. As for the exam preparation steps at a glance, including (1) reprinting participant cards, (2) downloading the webex meet, (3) participating in online socialization via webex, (4) downloading and studying online exam SOPs and FAQs, (5) downloading and configuration of safe exam browsers for testing, (6) taking online exam trials, (7) troubleshooting if there are still test problems.

Meanwhile, at a glance the procedure during the exam, among others (1) see the information on the exam time and the exam room webex on the exam card, (2) participants enter the webex room via cellphone at least 30 minutes before the exam, the webex must be on camera and mic during the exam, (3) participants are seated with their backs to the wall with a maximum distance of 1 meter and show their surroundings to the supervisor/committee, (4) download the safe exam browser confic file for the exam, (5) run the SEB confic when the exam arrives or when ordered by the committee from the room webex and input password entry to enter the exam application dashboard, (6) login using a username using the participant number and password, (7) if it has entered the exam time, participants enter the starting token for the exam given by the committee, (8) participants take the exam on the UTBK application, (9) when the exam is over, participants are allowed to logout.

Further information about the 2021 Udayana University Independent Pathways UTBK can be accessed via https://central-utbk.unud.ac.id/. The Udayana University Independent Pathway UTBK Technical Socialization can be watched again on the Udayana TV youtube account.