Udayana University Held the Release of KKN PPM Period XXIII in 2021

Udayana University carried out the Release of Community Empowerment Learning Real Work Lectures (KKN PPM) for the XXIII Period in 2021, (16/7/2021). The release of this Community Service Program was carried out in a Hybrid manner with the theme "Covid-19 THEMATIC KKN OF UDAYANA UNIVERSITY EMPOWERMENT OF VILLAGE COMMUNITIES IN THE TIME OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMI BASED ON INDEPENDENT CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION".

The Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS said that this period of KKN was the 3rd period that was carried out during the pandemic. The implementation of KKN during this pandemic is a challenge in itself because several things must be adjusted to conditions in the field. KKN is one of the elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely through the implementation of activities packaged in the form of community service to rural communities which in this pandemic condition are very much needed in the context of mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic.

The implementation of this KKN is different from the previous year's KKN, where students do not live in the village, but the KKN activities will be carried out in a Hybrid manner, namely a Combination of Online and Offline. Online activities are interpreted as student activities with students, students with Field Supervisors, and students with village communities or partners carried out online using available social media. While offline activities are interpreted as field visits activities with a limited frequency and number of students.

The participants of the Covid-19 Thematic KKN were 3,637 students from 13 faculties at Udayana University. The implementation of KKN will be carried out in 104 villages/kelurahan spread over seven regencies/cities in Bali, and 14 other locations spread across DKI, East Java, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, Banten, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, North Sumatra and East Leste. The implementation will last for approximately 1 month 7 days, starting from July 17 to August 23, 2021.

The implementation of the Thematic Community Service Program at Udayana University in this period was carried out in collaboration with the KKNT Bali Returns Bali Rise from the Central National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). The three areas of the KKNT program that will be implemented are the Health Sector, the Socio-Economic Sector and the Education Sector. All students participating in the Unud KKN are expected to quickly adapt to the pandemic conditions and be able to do village service as well as possible and establish good relationships with village partners, community leaders, village heads, and community components. Students participating in KKN are expected to always maintain ethics, morals, and uphold the good name of the almamater.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Disaster Management System (BNPB) Dr. Ir. Udrekh, S.E., M.Sc in his speech said, Bali Province is one of the provinces which is a world tourist destination which has a considerable impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, the number of foreign tourists coming to Bali in January 2021 decreased to 99 percent compared to January 2020. This of course has a direct impact on the Balinese people who have a livelihood in the tourism sector. This thematic KKN shows how these millennials have great care and responsibility as agents of change that go directly to the villages, even though it is currently being carried out in a hybrid way.

The experience of interacting directly with the community is a challenge in itself how students are able to utilize their scientific fields in finding solutions and community problems. Through this thematic KKN activity, it is hoped that it will provide optimal benefits for the recovery of Bali, so that it is hoped that Bali will later become one of the successful examples of penta helic cooperation efforts or collaborative efforts by utilizing academics in an effort to accelerate the handling of covid 19, as well as the recovery of an area.

Meanwhile, Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Director General of Higher Education, Prof. dr. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D in his direction said that on April 8, 2021, an online socialization of the COVID-19 tracking campus program was carried out to all universities and stakeholders, and around 1,100 students in the health sector from 250 universities in 16 provinces were willing to become volunteer.

The Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology appreciates the campus movement to track COVID-19 in the Bali region which is also part of the Bali Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) program again. Prof Aris hopes that the trace campus program in Bali can increase collaboration between universities and primary health care facilities in the Bali area to strengthen a more effective and efficient contact tracing system, so that it can ultimately increase community resilience against the COVID-19 pandemic.