Udayana University Holds its 142nd Full Online Graduation Amid an Increase in Covid-19 Cases

Udayana University held the 142nd Graduate Graduation Full Online, Saturday (10/7/2021). The implementation of the Full Online Graduation for the first time was held in view of the increase in Covid-19 cases and the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) by the Government for the Java-Bali Region.

At the 142nd Graduation, the Rector of Udayana University released 997 graduates consisting of 15 Doctoral Programs, 90 Masters Programs, 13 Specialist Programs, 90 Professional Programs, 786 Undergraduate Programs, and 3 Diploma Programs. Of this number, 344 of them received Cum Laude graduation titles and up to the 142nd graduation, the total number of Udayana University graduates was 103,840.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng in his report which was read by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance said that this time the graduates were dominated by female graduates, totaling 574 people, while male graduates were 423 people. In terms of academic achievement, the average GPA for women is 3.73 while the average GPA for men is 3.63. Meanwhile, judging from the study period, the average study period for female graduates is 7.70 semesters, while male graduates take 8.46 semesters of study.

At this graduation, there were 163 scholarship recipients, 109 of whom were recipients of Bidikmisi and KIP-Kuliah scholarships. To obtain important information in the form of alumni feedback as improvement, system development and management of higher education, both facilities, teaching and learning patterns, processes, and services at Unud, the Vice Rector expects the participation of graduates to participate in the online tracer study implementation. by Udayana University.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. dr. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp.S(K) in his speech said that this Graduation was held Full Online and was the seventh graduation to be held during the pandemic. Previously, the graduation ceremony was carried out offline and online, but considering that the Government is currently implementing Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the Java-Bali region. The Graduation Procession is still carried out by Udayana University for graduates who have met the requirements to take part in the graduation procession, considering that many graduates need a diploma to continue their education as well as for the purpose of applying for jobs and reporting to the institution where they work.

The graduation ceremony took place Full Online to support the Government's policy in stopping the spread of Covid-19 and certainly did not reduce the meaning of the procession carried out, as well as an effort to maintain safety and health together. The Rector hopes that all graduates will always be wise in applying the knowledge that has been obtained because the higher education taken is not only limited to pursuing a GPA, but how to implement this knowledge to produce innovations that are useful for the welfare of society, nation and state.

I Ketut Tomy Caesar Ramanda represented the graduates in his impression and message that he hoped that Unud would remain the pride and become one of the best universities in Indonesia by improving the quality of services, education and equity in the quality of infrastructure in all study programs and always being able to accommodate student aspirations so that Udayana University is able to produce graduates with character and integrity.

Udayana University graduates can participate in the implementation of tracer studies through the cdc.unud.ac.id page by clicking on the Tracer Study menu.