Unud Cares Through Unud Hospital Vaccinates Students, Lecturers, Employees and Their Families

In an effort to accelerate the Covid-19 prevention vaccination program in Bali Province, namely achieving herd immunity with 70 percent of the population must be given vaccinations targeted at the end of July 2021. Udayana University in collaboration with the Bali Provincial Health Office has carried out Covid-19 vaccinations for lecturers and employees as well as his family through the Unud Hospital. Now the vaccination is targeting students at Udayana University.

Vaccination for students is carried out at the Udayana University Hospital and has started today, Friday (18/6/2021).

All students are expected to join this program, in addition to lecturers/employees and their families who have not been vaccinated, they are also given the opportunity to join this program. Registration and data collection of vaccinations have been carried out through coordination between the Faculties/Work Units with the Human Resources Department and the Unud Hospital.