Praying in the Context of AL AUN-QA Four Study Programs at Udayana University

Four Study Programs at Udayana University will take part in the AUN-QA Field Assessment starting on May 31 - June 4, 2021 which will take place online through the Zoom Meeting application. The assessment preparation has been carried out quite thoroughly.

In order to request the smoothness of the activity, a joint prayer was held which was attended by University Leaders, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders and the Taskforce at Pura Dalem Blembong and Pura Maha Widya Saraswati, Thursday (27/5/2021). Through the preparations that have been made, it is hoped that the implementation of the field assessment activities can run smoothly and without experiencing any obstacles.

Rector of Unud Prof. AA Raka Sudewi on the occasion said that in this activity he invited all leaders to participate in asking for blessings and a moment to remind the leaders involved in field assessments in the context of AUN accreditation to be more focused on carrying out their duties, so that the preparations that have been made so far can run and well done and successful.