Unud and PT Bank Mandiri Signed a Memorandum of Understanding, Cooperation Agreement, and Grant Agreement

Udayana University and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk extended the Memorandum of Understanding at the Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (21/5/2021). In this event, a Cooperation Agreement was also signed and a CSR Submission Grant Agreement was signed in the form of an Ambulance car from PT Bank Mandiri to Udayana University.

The event was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector and Director of Udayana Hospital, while PT Bank Mandiri was attended by Regional CEOs of Bank Mandiri Region XI Bali and Nusa Tenggara and their ranks.

Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech expressed his gratitude to PT Bank Mandiri for the cooperation that has been established so far which was followed by an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Parties. Especially what was done today was the handover of an ambulance to Udayana University which would be utilized by the Unud Hospital. As is known, Unud Hospital has been operating since 2018 and continues to provide health services and serve Covid-19 patients, and currently Udayana Hospital is serving public patients again.

In improving services to patients, it is necessary to support infrastructure improvements, one of which is the availability of an ambulance. Currently Unud Hospital does not yet have an ambulance with complete equipment, and it should be appreciated that today PT Bank Mandiri provides CSR assistance in the form of an ambulance car.

The Rector hopes that this ambulance car can be used by Unud Hospital in improving services to people in need and the services provided to be better. The Chancellor also hopes that the well-established cooperation with PT Bank Mandiri will continue and benefit both parties.

Meanwhile, Regional CEO of Bank Mandiri Region XI Bali-Nusra Hendra Wahyudi on the occasion said that in the development of all sectors including handling covid not only in Bali but also in Indonesia, cooperation is needed, one of which is realized through the banking side, in this case Bank Mandiri and Udayana University. in the fields of education and health through the Udayana Hospital.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it can provide a better life, improve welfare and health. The Regional CEO also hopes that the CSR in the form of an ambulance car can benefit the Udayana University Hospital and the Udayana University extended family, as well as provide added value to agencies in Unud and Bank Mandiri. It is hoped that the cooperation that has existed between the two parties can be improved and be better for both parties.