Udayana University Animal Hospital Provides Free Emergency Animal Care and Rabies Vaccination Services

The Rector of Udayana University reviewed the implementation of free emergency and urgent veterinary care services as well as rabies vaccination at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (RSHP), Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Tuesday (27/04/2021). This free service is specifically for local dogs and cats in collaboration between RSHP and Animal Australia.

Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi said that this activity is an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service that synergizes students, lecturers, and employees in applying knowledge and research results for the welfare of society and the environment. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact both from a social and economic perspective, especially in Bali where most of the people's livelihoods are from tourism.

In this case, the Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Profession Study Program collaborates with Animal Australia to handle abandoned animals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this collaboration, it is expected to be able to anticipate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially for abandoned animals.