Udayana University Holds a Roadshow for Student Creativity Program (PKM) and Entrepreneurship Through Cisco Webex Application

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held Student Creativity Program (PKM) and Entrepreneurship Roadshow for Udayana University students. The event was held online using the Cisco Webex application, Tuesday (4/8/2020).

PKM is a forum formed by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate the potential of students in studying, developing, and applying knowledge and technology that has been studied in lectures and to the wider community. This program is the successor of the Student Alternative Work Program which was formed in 1997 and in 2001 changed to the Student Creativity Program in order to expand the scope and reduce the boundaries for students in creating. The purpose of implementing the Student Creativity Program Roadshow is to foster students' interest in writing proposals for PKM and the KBMI Program.

There are 5 PKM Characteristics, namely 1) PKM-Research (PKM-P), 2) PKM-Application of Technology (PKM-T), 3) PKM-Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), 4) PKM-Community Service (PKM- M), and 5) PKM-Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC).

The roadshow that was held lasted for three days from August 4th - August 6th 2020 and were attended by 13 Faculties in Udayana University. On the first day, Tuesday, August 4, 2020, five Faculties were participated, there are 1) Faculty of Medicine with 35 lecturers and 144 students, 2) Faculty of Law with 20 lecturers and 80 students, 3) Faculty of Agriculture with lecturers. 13 people and 54 students 4) Faculty of Agricultural Technology with 10 lecturers and 40 students and 5) Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries with 10 lecturers and 40 students

Whereas on the second day, Wednesday, August 5, 2020, five faculties were joined, there are 1) Faculty of Humanities, 18 lecturers and 75 students, 2) Faculty of Animal Science, 10 lecturers and 40 students, 3) Faculty of Tourism, 10 lecturers. and 40 students, 4) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with 10 lecturers and 40 students, 5) 10 FISIP lecturers and 40 students.

And the third day of 6 August 2020 were attended by three Faculties, namely 1) Faculty of Engineering with 29 lecturers and 115 students, 2) FEB with 34 lecturers and 135 students and 3) FMIPA with 14 lecturers and 57 students. In this Roadshow is also attended by Deputy Deans of Student Affairs in each faculty.