250 Alumni Enliven the 55th BKFH Alumni Gathering of Udayana University

In the 55th series activities of BKFH Udayana University, the Faculty of Law held an alumni meeting on Sunday (07/07/2019). The event entitled "FH Unud Calling" was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University, Denpasar. Chairman of 55th  BKFH Anniversary Committee, Dr. Anak Agung Duwira Hadi Santosa, SH, M.Hum, said that this event was attended by all alumni groups ranging from S1, S2, S3 with a total of approximately 250 alumni who came and were representatives of each group of profession

According to the Dean of the Faculty of Law, the alumni meeting was held continuously so that various physical assistance, morality assistance had been delivered by the alumni because the strength of alumni can’t be released. "So this alumni meeting is very meaningful because the strength of the institution cannot be separated from the strength of alumni who are very enthusiastic to support all activities on campus, one of which is in a series of alumni meetings. Hopefully with the strength of this alumni of law faculty of Udayana University will be increase and able to compete in the national and even international world in order to realize the vision of Udayana Superior, Independent and Cultured, "said Prof. Dr. I Made Arya Utama, SH, M. Hum as Dean of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. He also added that hopefully the alumni would continue to bind themselves both in conditions of joy and sorrow to jointly build the Law Faculty of Udayana University. (mnk)