Graffiti Action Competition 2018 in Taman Werdhi Budaya Art Center

Denpasar – Udayana University Architecture Students Association once again held the Architecture in Creativity and Exhabition or often called ACTION with the theme "Architecture in Space and Time Frame", which was held in Taman Werdhi Budaya Art Center. This activity is a routine annual activity carried out every year by Architecture Engineering students to increase the solidarity of Architecture Engineering students, as well as broaden their horizons about the world of art in a wider range.

"Our main goal is to strengthen the solidarity of architecture engineering students, more than that through this activity we also want to get to know the architectural associations in Bali and the development of the architecture itself." Said I Gusti Agung Agus Parameswara Tantra, the chairman of the organizing committee a chairman of the Udayana Architecture Students Association.

Not only Udayana architecture students, ACTION activities also involves various architecture students such as Warmadewa University, Dwijendra, Ngurah Rai and several architectural communities such as architectural consultants in Bali and Jakarta. Some of the architectural exhibition works of students and comunities are plastered around the area of Taman Werdhi Cultural Art Center. They also present various information about archipelago architecture from time to time and its changes. Moreover, they also invite high school students in Bali to participate in Action events, with the aim of providing a broader perspective on architecture majors.

This activity lasted for two days, ie on Friday and Saturday (13-14 / 04). Besides presenting an architectural exhibition, ACTION this time also held a Talk Show and various competitions that are followed by the general public. About 100 more participants from high school students in Bali, university students, and the general public enliven this activity. The competitions include graffiti contest, architectural sketch, photography competition, and beach club design contest nationwide.

As for the Talk Show Action this time, the event presented two capable speakers namely Gede Arista from Bali Design discusses the materials of bambo in traditional architecture, but also explained also about the use of traditonal material in modern architectural buildings today. The second speaker was Budi Pradono from Budi Pradono Architects Jakarta, who discussed the development of architecture in the postmodern era.

"For the contest there are 60 teams, for sketches there are 38, photography is 36, while for graffiti there are 30 teams, a total of one hundred more. And the hope of this event hopefully can provide information for the general public about the activities in the architecture of both academic and practical, if this time still in the scope of Bali hope the future is broader that is the national scope." said Gung Gus, met on the sidelines of Action activities 2018. (Ism)