Photo session with Indonesian Agriculture Senate, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Vice Dean III Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University, and Chairman of BEM FP Unud.

Denpasar - Friday (09/03), Executive Board of Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held National Talk Show of Entrepreneur at Nusantara Agrokomplek Room Sudirman campus from 1 pm – 7 pm. The event with the theme “Let's be Young Agripreneur” is one of the series of Agricultur Festival 2018 by BEM FP Udayana University.

"This event is one of routine activities as well as BEM FP work program that has been going on twice, and for the Talk Show this time we choose the theme of entrepreneurship with the aim to invite young people to become young entrepreneur especially in agriculture, this time we also held ‘business plan challenge’ contest and the winner will be announced at the end of the event later ", said Ni Nyoman Suidah.

Furthermore, Ni Nyoman Suidah, Head of Division III BEM FP Udayana University as well as the chief executive, explained that the Agricultur Festival has been held at least twice. This event combines three main activities: Agriculture Expo, Udayana Agripreneur, and Agriculture Music. For Agriculture Expo event, it is usually held at Lumintang area.

This event was opened directly by the Vice Rector III of Student Affairs Udayana University namely Prof.Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS. In his speech he explained that the average farmers aged over 30s, even there are elderly, phenomena like this should be addressed by students in developing business in the field of agriculture.

Agrifest in 2018 received a very positive appreciation, all from Udayana University academic community, government institutions, and private institutions. The event succeeded in cooperating with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Bank Indonesia, and the Association of Indonesian Agricultural Student Senate. The event was also attended by 150 participants from among students, lecturers and public.

"The response of our friends is very good, as well as the government and private institutions. We managed to establish cooperation, and they support this event, and hopefully through this event, it will grow new innovations in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship that will be applied by the younger generation" said Erina as the member of public relations division of Agrifest 2018.

Also present great speakers in the field of entrepreneurship, they are Drs. Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga who now serves as Minister of Cooperatives and UKM of Indonesia, Orin Hardi owner of The Kul-Kul, Komang Sukarsa owner of Bali Arabica, and Ir. Wayan Dipta M.Sc. as the deputy of production and marketing of the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM. The four speakers shared about their own entrepreneurship and journey of their business and various tips on handling problems in entrepreneurship. (kezia)

Award of trophies on the winners of business plan challenge Agrifest 2018.